Need for empowerment


Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, or economic strength of individual and communities. It often involves the empowered developing confidence in their own capabilities.

Empowerment of marginalized, especially women, calls for sensitive, empathetic and non governmental initiatives. No doubt the 73rd and 74th ammendment acts have made it possible for the marginalized to become part of planning and execution process of development in relation to their local needs. It has not only brought empowerment of women and other less privileged classes. The empowerment of women and weaker sections would lead to good governance and greater transparency in Indian polity. It will also ensure change in the value system of society, bringing in greater freedom, reducing oppression and inequality through next generation, if we really want to see women and weaker sections participating effectively in rural and urban governance, it must be ensured that they are recognized as decision makers and women organizations as well as NGOs come forward to activate them by creating the necessary political urge and interest in them.

The crucial aspects that need to be further addressed are: female literacy, change in the attitude of male members as also representatives of upper castes, financial and functional autonomy and above all regular elections. And only when these are addressed to, the process of empowerment will be effective, meaningfull and fruitful.

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