Knowing Salary or Income Youtubers Per Month ( Mengetahui Gaji atau Penghasilan Youtubers Per Bulannya #Kepo)

Knowing, checking, looking at salary or YouTube revenue per month, should be a reason for everyone, is it curious, or just a kepo or maybe it will become a YouTube user later after seeing revenue? maybe.

How much they produce until they are willing to shoot every day to upload a video for their subscribers especially for the Game Channels category do not imagine how much they generate, the world's number one poutes is a gaming channel hosted by Pewdiepie User Name (Felix Kjellberg) who owns 46 million subscribers and will continue to increase subscribernya even the second step!

Mengetahui, memeriksa, melihat gaji atau pendapatan YouTube per bulan, seharusnya menjadi alasan bagi semua orang, apakah itu penasaran, atau hanya kepo atau mungkin akan menjadi pengguna YouTube nanti setelah melihat pendapatan? mungkin.
Berapa banyak yang mereka hasilkan sampai mereka bersedia untuk menembak setiap hari untuk mengunggah video untuk pelanggan mereka terutama untuk kategori Saluran Permainan jangan bayangkan berapa banyak mereka menghasilkan, poutes nomor satu di dunia adalah saluran game yang diselenggarakan oleh Pewdiepie Nama Pengguna (Felix Kjellberg ) yang memiliki 46 juta pelanggan dan akan terus meningkatkan subscribernya bahkan langkah kedua!

Youtube is a field for those who want to make a lot of money. But to get the first 100 thousand customers is certainly not as easy as we think.

Where is Youtuber earning money?
certainly from the ads they display on their videos.

  • Banner-shaped ads

  • The box-shaped ad is next to the video

  • 15 second ads that can not be skipped

  • 1 minute ads that can be skipped

1. Estimated Monthly Earnings = Estimated Earnings per month - $ 1.2K - $ 18.8K

Estimated Yearly Earnings = Estimated Earnings per year - $ 14.1K - $ 225.K

We assume 1 USD = 13,000 IDR

Taksiran Penghasilan Bulanan = Taksiran Penghasilan per bulan - $ 1.2K - $ 18.8K

Taksiran Penghasilan Tahunan = Taksiran Penghasilan per tahun - $ 14.1K - $ 225.K

Kami berasumsi 1 USD = 13.000 IDR

We take from the lowest monthly income he is 1.2K = 1200 x 13,000 = 15.600.000 (Remember this is his lowest monthly earnings)

What if we take the biggest income !? 18.8K = 18800 x 13,000 = 244,400,000 (Will continue to grow as she uploads the video)

The first time to see this figure is bangbil directly direct shock and semidut * kidding. WHAT THE F # $% !? Agung Hapsah including the beginner class Youtuber for bangbil and at the age of 16 Years is quite WOW enough. Yeah no wonder too because it is seen from the quality of the content (video) he made. Honestly make bangbil feel at home even after watching the video many times.

Kami mengambil dari pendapatan bulanan terendah dia 1,2K = 1200 x 13,000 = 15.600.000 (Ingat ini adalah penghasilan bulanan terendahnya)

Bagaimana jika kita mengambil penghasilan terbesar !? 18.8K = 18800 x 13,000 = 244,400,000 (Akan terus bertambah saat dia mengupload video)

Pertama kali melihat sosok bangbil ini langsung mengarahkan shock dan semidut * bercanda. APA YANG F # $%!? Agung Hapsah termasuk kelas pemula Youtuber untuk bangbil dan pada usia 16 Tahun cukup WOW. Ya tidak heran juga karena dilihat dari kualitas konten (video) yang dia buat. Jujur bangbil banget ngapain di rumah bahkan setelah nonton video berkali-kali.

** if you know the producers go directly to the site Socialblade click here**

**kalau kalian mau Tahu Penghasil youtuber Langsung masuk ke situsnya Socialblade klik disini,


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