

Kemang fruit is a kind of mango, if it has been ripe color yellow brownish. This type of fruit emit a scent like turpentine.
The flesh is yellow, contains a lot of liquid with sweet sour taste. if the ripe fruit can be eaten directly and fresh, while the fruit that is almost cooked is usually eaten for a mixture of rujak. The leaves are still young can be used for salad. Kemang spread naturally in Sumatra, Kalimantan and the Malay Peninsula; and more cultivated in western Java, especially near Bogor. This plant mainly spreads in the lowlands below 400 m, rarely up to 800 m above sea level. This type is resistant to flooding, and is often found near the river bank.
In some parts of south sumatera there is a myth that if a stack of durian fruit combined with a fruit kemang in one night the whole durian fruit will burst open matured, also the myth of people will directly mokad when the head is hit by this fruit.

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