do not ever look backward forward unyielding

A Muslim woman should also pay attention to Ramadhan fasting qadha case in other days if he gets obstacles during Ramadan so it is impossible to fast fully, do not let Ramadan follow while he has not paid off his debts fast, the case of fasting on the other day is often forgotten or neglected, because the busy life, when he is a debt that if not implemented then a Muslim can not be said to have fasted on the moon, then he failed to grab the second key of the keys to enter heaven, from here be careful with hastening qadha is a wise attitude , because delays are sometimes troublesome and troublesome.

The third key, keep the honor.

Heaven can only be achieved with piety, only women who will enter shalihah paradise, one woman is proved by some character and morals, one of them and most important is to maintain self-respect. Allah Subhanahu waTa'ala says, that is,

"The righteous woman is the obedient to God again to take care of her when her husband is not there because Allah has nourished them" (Surat an-Nisa`: 34).

This verse stipulates that keeping oneself a form of the obedience of a shalihah woman to God and then to her husband.

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "The best woman is the woman who, if you look to her, then you are happy, if you order it then he obey you, if you swear on it then he fulfill it and if you leave it, he keeps to your self and your treasure . "(HR an-Nasa`i)

To keep honor is to fortify ourselves from tortures and damages the honor, which tarnishes and abortes the glory, by behaving and behaving in the corridor of the sacred order of the sacred law again.

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