Tiangong-1 Jatuh

Satelit TIANGONG-1 Jatuh

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Otoritas antariksa Cina menyampaikan bahwa Tiangong-1 telah mengalami kerusakan dan tidak dapat dikontrol sejak 16 Maret 2016. Selama masa operasionalnya, Tiangong-1 telah memberikan kontribusi penelitian antariksa bagi Cina sejak diluncurkan tahun 2011 dari Juquan Satellite Launch Center.

Menurut informasi yang saya baca disini Satelit itu memiliki massa 8,5 metrik ton, berukuran sekitar 34 kaki (10,4 meter) dengan diameter sekitar 11 kaki (3,4 meter). Beberapa kota yang paling mungkin terkena dampaknya adalah Amerika termasuk Boston, Detroit, Philadelphia, Des Moines, Milwaukee dan Salt Lake City.

Barcelona, Beijing, Chicago, Istambul, Roma dan Toronto juga kemungkinan terkena dampaknya. Karena kota-kota tersebut terletak di sekitar 43 derajat garis lintang utara dan selatan.

Penampakan Tiangong-1 menjelang jatuh ke Bumi oleh radar Fraunhofer FHR

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Para ahli memprediksi satelit tersebut akan menabrak bumi antara tanggal 30 Maret dan 6 April 2018. Sekitar 10 sampai 40 persen puing-puing kemungkinan jatuh ke bumi dengan kandungan zat berbahaya.

Menurut laman WJLA Washington, satelit tersebut mengandung hidrazin berbahaya, cairan tanpa warna yang digunakan sebagai bahan bakar roket. Jika manusia atau hewan terkena cairan tersebut akan mengakibatkan dermatitis atau peradangan pada kulit.

Kejatuhan Tiangong-1 telah menimbulkan banyak kekhawatiran karena Cina tidak lagi memiliki kendali atas stasiun luar angkasa itu. Para insinyur negara itu tidak dapat menyalakan mesin kendaraan itu lagi dan mengarahkannya ke laut terbuka.

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TIANGONG-1 Satellite Falls

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The Chinese space authority has said that Tiangong-1 has been damaged and can not be controlled since March 16, 2016. During its operational life, Tiangong-1 has contributed space research to China since it was launched in 2011 from Juquan Satellite Launch Center.

According to the information I read here The satellite has a mass of 8.5 metric tons, measuring about 34 feet (10.4 meters) in diameter of about 11 feet (3.4 meters). Some of the cities most likely to be affected are America including Boston, Detroit, Philadelphia, Des Moines, Milwaukee and Salt Lake City.

Barcelona, ​​Beijing, Chicago, Istanbul, Rome and Toronto are also likely to be affected. Because these cities are located around 43 degrees north and south latitude.

Appearance of Tiangong-1 before falling to Earth by Fraunhofer radar FHR

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Experts predict the satellite will hit Earth between March 30 and April 6, 2018. About 10 to 40 percent of the debris is likely to fall to Earth with the content of harmful substances.

According to Washington's WJLA page, the satellite contains harmful hydrazine, a colorless liquid used as a rocket fuel. If humans or animals exposed to such fluids will result in dermatitis or inflammation of the skin.

The fall of Tiangong-1 has raised many concerns as China no longer has control of the space station. The country's engineers could not start the engine again and aim it at the open sea.

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