Manfaat mentimun

Being one of the fruit that is easily found and has a price that tends to cheap, cucumber is also a fruit that is popular enough to be made fresh vegetables.

In addition to fresh vegetables, cucumber can also be processed into a glass of fresh juice and nutritious tablets. But why, many people consider trivial efficacy in this cucumber juice. If you are one of those people, try to think again, here are the benefits you will get if you consume cucumber juice.

  • Makes the body hydrated perfectly.

Cucumber is a vegetable that contains a lot of water. So that if routinely taken every morning it will be able to make the body well hydrated, help the process of detoxification, cool the body and menjada digestive system.

  • Maintain blood pressure.

For people with high blood, regular drinking cucumber juice can make blood pressure always normal. This is due to the high content of potassium in cucumber

  • Slows down aging.

The content of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals in cucumber is very good for your skin health.

  • Maintain eye health.

The high content of vitamin A in the cucumber is very good to keep your eyesight sharp.

And the last is to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and lowering high blood pressure. Moreover, if consumed regularly with mixed carrots.

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