Cara mengatasi diabetes

Diabetes is a condition in which the amount of glucose in your blood is high because the pancreas does not produce insulin or lack of insulin, to process glucose into the cells of the body. the insulin produced does not work properly.
Although the disease can not heal, there are many traditional medicines made with natural ingredients that will control the production of insulin and glucose levels in the body at normal levels.

Treatment of diabetes can be treated by using two natural ingredients namely celery and lemon. What celery benefits can be for diabetes drugs?

Celery is one of the ingredients that can help control blood sugar levels. Celery contains fiber which can increase sugar metabolism. This can increase insulin receptor sensitivity.

Celery contains vitamin K which can reduce inflammation and increase glucose metabolism. Some studies say that vitamin K can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Lemons are rich in vitamin C and soluble fiber and vitamin C can benefit people with diabetes. Antioxidants in lemon can reduce free radical damage in the body.

Here's how to prepare a prescription to treat diabetes:

Materials needed :

300 gr celery sticks
6 lemons
How to Meraciknya:

Scrape the celery root that has been washed and put it in a heat-resistant bowl.
Then add the squeezed lemon juice, put it into the bowl in the steam pan and heat the water in the steamer until it begins to boil.
Boil over low heat for 2 hours, then turn off the heat and leave to cool no open pan cover.
The mix time has been cold ready for consumption.
Drink 1 tsp herb each morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes earlier breakfast, for maximum consumption on a regular basis.

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