the mountain erupted


  1. the height of the eruption reached 5 km

5 km-high eruption was strong pressure and grey darkness. Old eruption earthquakes 607 seconds. The eruption also comes with a roar.

The eruption was accompanied by heat clouds glide as far as 4.9 km to the South and Southeast as well as the 3.5 km to the South-East and East. The wind was blowing to the West and South.

  1. Ash and rocks rained sub-district 5

Volcanic ash blanketed some areas around Mount Sinabung, whom Sub-district, Naman Teran, umbrellas, three Nderket and Munthe.

Conditions in five subdistricts that be dark with visibility of about 5 metres.

In addition, small rocks rained that kecamatan 5 also. Raining pebbles are also still occur as in the village of Kuta and Legian Mbaru People until 10.00 pm.

  1. The aircraft cannot cross

Post-eruption, the Centre of Volcanology and geological hazard mitigation (PVMBG) raised the status of VONA (Volcano Observatory Notice for Aviation) from Orange to red. Thus, the aircraft are prohibited from passing around Mount Sinabung because dangerous.

  1. There were no fatalities

There were no casualties from the eruption. Because, all of the dangerous area which is the red zone has been emptied.

Some residents have also been evacuated in anticipation of the worst possible moment. But during the day, the activity of the citizens has been back to normal. Citizens judged to have become accustomed to seeing the eruption of Mount Sinabung.

  1. Still a "Beware" PVMBG reported, volcanic activity, mount Sinabung is still very high. The phenomenon of earthquakes and heat clouds continue to accompany.
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