You can't give up now!


You have gone too far to give up now!

We believed you when you said you will.

You can't let us down at this point.

We have told too many people about your exploit.

You can't give up!

Forget the disappointment on your way forget the people that are making ridicule of each of your success, you can't fail now.

Get going!

Don't back down because it is tough. "It is often said when the going gets tough the tough gets going" I know it's tough, but you're tougher.

Consider the journey so far and how far you have gone.
You have come a long way, so you can't give up.

What happens to the rest of the journey you have covered. Forget the hurts it will heal.

Keep moving you are on a mission.

I want to be part of the people that will say to you MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

Photo credit: pixabay.

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