
The art of a good speaker has to do with the ability to keep the listeners active.
The subject may be nonchalant but the tone of voice bring charm to the ears of everyone.
Is there any other ways to captivate even the little one?
By looking around and eye contact will help the audience to participate.
Sometimes anyone not looking might be listening by your affection to touch everyone heart.

There is no such thing as dumb questions.
Asking questions stimulate the brain to find an answer.
To get your point across, a rhetoric question is needed.
Humans being are curious by nature.
We want to know everything. We dig and dig to look good and finally asking questions will stimulate a mental response.
Naturally when you ask a question, your readers will devour your writing in quest
of the response.
Be reasonable with your answer and state the relation clearly between your question and answer.
Your main idea is to help them deduct an intelligent conclusion based on subject discussed.
You can bring on the table a question for the sake of a key idea.


Asking a question mandates more than just a yes or no.
You are discussing life matters.
Principles most likely tend to interact with our universe.
Emphasize your answers to build a bridge and carry over to the next point.
Many styles can be implemented.
Main idea, keep your readers alert by asking the right questions.

Keep on postin'

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