Hey: This is still A COFFEE SHOP🤣

Dear Steemians 🤗

Do you think those mugs and glasses are for sale?

I have never thought that I would have so many things to laugh at until the last two weeks at the shop🤣. When someone out of nowhere cames to order a piece of art work at the shop and then one of our regular customer (not those who stay up late at the shop 5/7) who always spent less the a dollar when she buys something from the shop, she's observes and touches my mugs and glass then asking for the price 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Hello There! I'm selling coffee, tea and other stuffs but NOT THE CUPs and THE MUGs 😅

I bought these last month, the customers could order some drinks and which mugs they like to use

I just don't get it... what's wrong with our shop? Why people keep asking for something that are not for sale! I don't think that our interior's decoration has wrong impression for the customers or visitors.

Our menu promotion boards as part of the exterior decorations

There's a blackboard where we could use it to announce what we have as tonight's special menu if I'm in the mood to prepare something. I assumed when people read it, they'd known what we served at the shop. But still, I was wrong🤣🤣🤣

Shall I change the coffee shop into a grocery again?

I'm selling coffee's ground too, you know?

After all, I always grateful for everything happened at the shop until this moment, it just a matter of time when people knowing our shop as A Coffee Shop😎

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