Introduce Me!

Hello everyone! I am very excited to begin to be part of this growing and amazing community.
Before publishing my first post, I was reading several post of members of the community, and the truth is fascinated by their anecdotes and how easy it was for me to know a little about each one's life, in such a short time and so open ... I thank for the trust, for the dedication, for the time and for the love that each one puts in his post.
I read a lot of advice, but one of the most repeated (not to mention the most named) is that, here, you must be "yourself" so I intend to do in this post. I hope you will accompany me to the end and, for brief minutes, be part of my life.
Well, to start my name is Pat Pay
I'm 21 years old and I'm a Myanmar boycode living in Yangon (yes, I have the best of two cultures) I am a designer by vocation and Industrial Relationships by profession.
I am totally in love with dogs, I mean, how could you not love a being that gives you all of it without asking for anything in return? "Until you have loved an animal a part of your soul will remain asleep," says the appointment of Anatole France with which I feel fully identified, so I want to present to my two pets that are part of my life , and which I love more than anything in this world.
I wanted to talk about them in my introductory post because they represent a lot of what I am, what I love, and are the cause of my daily happiness. I firmly believe that animals have a much purer perception of reality than we do, despite what many people believe about them that they "don't reason", "don't think" I know that animals perceive us as energy, they can see our real essence without filters, without ego, without appearances. I have never seen a dog say "I will bite my owner because he is very ugly" "Today I woke up sad, so I don't want my owner to approach me all day", however, if I have seen many people retaliate with their pets for having a bad day or punishing them based on blows because they do not have patience or just because they have anger. There is always a lot of talk about the mistreatment of women, of saying no to drugs, how to raise children, not littering, and that's fine, all of these are fundamental pieces when it comes to healing and growth, but respect for animals also it is and for that reason I am passionate not only to give a good quality of life to my pets, but to contribute with my grain of sand so that the world is a better place for the animals of the university where I study and the community in which I live, daily feed the homeless puppies and dogs that live there, who have no voice to ask for help, who were left in the street destined to die. I think we can all make the world a better place and not just wait for someone else to do it, we all MUST begin to be the change we want in the world and while I know that with my actions of giving food and water to those street animals I will not make the world change, but I know that I'll change the day of those little animals.
I consider myself a very creative, detailed and organized person, and that is why I love to earn a living as a designer despite never having studied that profession, this is a busy work, in which I often work against the clock, in which I need discipline, creativity, organization and a lot of patience to dialogue with clients who do not know what they want, and even so they expect me to transform what they think into an ingenious and creative project. I do not know for sure if I am a good designer, or if I have the merit to call myself that, but I love doing it, I love seeing my clients happy and satisfied with my work and I love seeing my designs in different places of the world, I feel that I leave a small footprin in the world.
I love traveling and I love to see nature with its beautiful landscapes, shapes and colors.
I love that when traveling I can create my own stories and have a list of memorable experiences, I consider it much better to accumulate possessions. Traveling I realized that some things are better or worse than what I know and I have realized that not everything is the same. Each trip has helped me to break with the routine, to take distance from the daily life, it has helped me to know and experience new cultures, and also to meet people has been incredible and also to strengthen ties with people I already know . Traveling has given me wings, has given me freedom, new ideas and has fostered in my imagination, I think it is one of the things I like to do most in life.
From this platform I hope to obtain knowledge, new experiences, make new friendships, expand my way of seeing life and generate extra income that will help me to continue doing what I love.

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