A New Blockchain Just Like Twitter That Rewards Us In Cryptocoin

It is the beginning of a new week, so let me start this write-up by wishing you joy-filled and stress-free week. More dollars to your bank accounts and more SBD and Steem to your Steemit account.

In recent times, I have been disillusioned about steemit and have dropped my biro as it did not seem worth it. But I have come to realise that this is a platform of opportunities. You just have to be sensitive to notice when opportunity comes knocking, or create it yourself. But let's just say I no longer believe in having all my eggs in a single basket.
This was what prompted me over the weekend to scour the world of cryptocoins for other platforms similar to Steemit but with a more flexible rewards system. Fortunately, I hit pay-dirt in the form of QUNQUN.

The question circulating within you subconsciously is.....

What Is QunQun?

Short answer, it is the Twitter of cryptocurrencies.
Coming with a word count of 800 characters per post as well as images or videos, it is quite similar to the Twitter we are all familiar with. The blockchain has communities which can be joined by anyone. In these communities you can make posts as much as you like.
*So what makes QunQun different?
Qunqun differs from Twitter in the fact that it pays you QUN coins for being a member of communities on the blockchain, as well as participating. It also differs from Steemit in that rewards gotten are not scaled based on who likes your post, as all likes have equal value. This is what intrigues me most, as with Qun, I stand a very healthy chance of becoming one of its top users only if I am willing to put in the time and effort required. On QunQun, the disparity between the haves and have-nots can always be bridged. This, makes it unique and guarantees its widespread adoption once people get to know about it.
Also, I have had friends who stopped using their Steemit accounts because they found it difficult composing posts of a reasonable length. Even when they somehow managed to cook something up, most times nobody noticed it.
But with QunQun, nobody has to be stingy with clicking the like button as it does not adversely affect you in any way whatsoever.

So How Does One Sign Up For This?
QunQun just rolled out its first app last month and presently can only be acessed on a smartphone through the app. There is no website equivalent for it yet. You can download the app by clicking here. This will take you to where you can download the app. Or you could scan the barcode provided below.
Also, QunQun currently accepts only users who have an invite code. You can make use of 6B6LB9 as your invitation code to join the community.

Just before you head off, QunQun is a predominantly Chinese blockchain, but it is believed that as more users from around the globe join in, we will have communities in different languages too. That does not mean you cannot join and start earning QUN coins right now.

Next question you'll be dying to ask is...
Can QUN coins be exchanged for fiat?
Well I am sure you know the drill now. You will have to convert it into a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Ethereum that can be easily sold. But the good news is that QUN is already listed on a number of exchanges. So right from day one, you start making withdrawable cash. And no, you do not have to wait for 7 days before cashing out if you want to.

If you found this useful please click on the upvote button to support me. And I want to say thank you for reading it this far.

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