EXORCIST- Episode 2

Castiel looked down throught the window. He was watching the next building. A lady was in the compund, singing as she walked around doing her normal day's work.

'It's been confirmed, the contract is in the building.' Another guy said as he popped up a few yards behind Castiel. 'How do we attack.'

'We don't' Castiel said. 'You and the boys should return home, i've got this.'

'But. It's our sacred duty to protect you and recover the contract.'

'I can take care of myself. And besides, you will be slowing me down. It's not like you can touch the contract if you wanted to anyway.' Castiel remarked.

'Okay.' The man said and turned away. He walked towards two other guys and relayed the information from Castiel. The three men faced Castiel and then collapsed, dark shadowy smoke coming out off their bodies and flying off out the window where they vapourized.

After the three men had gone. Castiel stared at the next building.

'I've got my eyes on you' He said with a determined look.


Richard turned right at the first intersection in the road. He had Charlie in the car with him and they were having some kind of heated conversation. A few minutes drive later and they were in Richard's place. The two story building was old and the paint had started peeling off.

'This is your house.' Charlie mocked. 'It's no different from where we're coming from.'

'I brought you here for a job.' Richard said. 'And besides, i'm not around much so, keep your comments to yourself.'

'Alright boss.' Charlie said. 'So, you're telling me that you think your house is haunted and you've been tracking me down foe what.. Two days now?'

'No. Two weeks. That's not the point. I've got the exorcist here, so go in and do your exorcism voodoo.' Richard said, unlocking the door to let Charlie in.

'It's not voodoo. It's just ancient lost technology that y'all don't understand.' Charlie

'We call things beyond our understanding miracles. Only fair tech like yours that's not available in any gadget store is called voodoo.' Richard remarked.

'What do you know about miracles, uh? You walk up in church and see the pastor make the blind see?' Charlie asked. Richard didn't say anything and Charlie continued. 'Look, if what you're saying is true and you're house got demons in it. Then, you should it isn't anything you've heard about.'

'What do you mean' Richard questioned.

'Shh' Charlie whispered. 'I hear something. Lucky. Check it out.'

'Who are you talking to? Who's Lucky.' Richard asked.

Charlie brought out a flat, circular device that looked like a plate and dropped it on the floor. He brought out his book and began reciting some words from it. The plate started glowing and soon the noise began loud and clear. The demons in the house became visible and started flying round and round the house.

Three dark rumbling smoke-like cloud withe skull like faces tore through the air towards Charlie and Ridwan. The latter two jumped sideways to avoid the impact of the ragging demons. The demons colluded with different structures in the house, knocking down the TV set and breaking furnitures. There was a hole in one of the walls.

'Lucky do something. You're not entirely useless in this situation are you?' Charlie cried out.

Lucky who had now become visible to human eyes just like the demons had a kind of bright glow to his body. He ran toward the three demons and he also warped into the same smoky form they were in, albeit he was glowing bright.

'Who is sparkly?' Richard asked.

'A friend.' Charlie rsponded.

The three demons overpowered Lucky and threw him into the kitchen. He reverted to his humanoid form and fell over the cooker. The gas cylinder broke and was spewing gas. One of the three demons suddenly flew towards Lucky. Lucky didn't have enough time to stand and the bludgering smoke crashed into him, knocking him against the plates stand, sending many cutleries into the air.

It started with a little spark as cutlery hit against one another and the walls. The gas acted as accelerant and the next thing, the kitchen had caught fire. A bigger gas cylinder fell on the floor and the flame spread towards it.

'Clear the building. It's gonna explode.' Lucky shouted from within the kitchen.

Richard and Charlie looked at one other in horror and ran towards the closest exit. The window.

The cylinder broke and the gas went out in a huge explosion.


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