Missed the presence of a distant sister / Kangen Kehadiran Adik Yang Jauh Dimata

Regards Steemians

Good evening friends Steemians who again rest. Tonight I want to tell about life story. It's been 2 years my sister can not go home to visit us and the family in the village after grandfather died he also chose to go to jakarta and have not been home for 2 years. Families feel quite missed by the presence of a distant younger sister in the eyes even though 2 days once he called. But talking over the phone is not perfect yet. Parents expect their children to come home once a year is enough. It's sad to have gathered with the whole family yet.

Bahasa indonesia

Selamat malam sahabat Steemians yang lagi istirahat. Malam ini saya ingin menceitakan tentang kisah hidup. Sudah memasuki 2 tahun adik saya belum bisa pulang menjenguk kami dan sekeluarga di desa setelah kakek meninggal dia pun memilih berangkat merantau ke jakarta dan sudah 2 tahun belum pulang. Keluarga merasa cukup kangen dengan kehadiran sosok adik yang jauh dimata walaupun 2 hari sekali dia menelpon. Akan tetapi berbicara lewat telpon belum sempurna. Orang tua berharap anaknya bisa pulang walau satu tahun sekali itu sudah cukup. Sedih rasanya berkumpul dengan sekelurga belum lengkap.


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