The #SupportHonesty Challenge


Where we are now.

I've been here on the STEEM blockchain for almost two years at this stage. Over that time I've seen a lot of people come and go. Some happy, some cursing the place as they left. I've met some absolutely brilliant people and discovered a new way to use the internet.

I've seen a community form around this technology and watch as the building blocks keep stacking up for the future. We are not at the end line yet and in reality have barely left the starting blocks of the race. With that said everything I have seen over the past two years still leads me to believe that we are sitting on something special here if we can get it right.

There are huge issues around making the system user friendly and ready for large amounts of people. I do see this changing in the near future and in my opinion the apps will play a huge part of this. In tribes we have new communities that can be a home for the new users. I have seen the birth of sportstalk which is an app that I can bring my friends to. People that would have no interest in new technology could join the tribes and our fantasy leagues becoming part of the community straight away.

My goals

Starting here two years ago it seemed impossible to figure out the system and how I could ever get to minnow status. The bear market however brought an opportunity for the next generation of steemian to gain a foothold in the system and grow their accounts.

My goal for this year has been to grow my account to 10k SP before the end of the year. Through hard work and consistency I will reach that by the end of the month and ready to keep growing. Everybody here is ultimately looking to earn money as that is the whole basis of the STEEM blockchain. Earning for the effort that you put in.

In the long term I would love to get to the stage that I could live off the money earned from STEEM. It might take STEEM to reach about $50 for me but I'm willing to wait for it. Either that or I need to earn about 1M STEEM which would be a lot tougher.

I do feel that the best way to get to $50 STEEM is for it to become a success. That will only happen if people are adding something back to the system instead of just trying to take.It always disappoints me to see the largest stakeholders doing the most damage to our system and our reputation.

It will take the combined effort of our content creators, curators, developers, investors and other stakeholders. We are a community and should act like one as we build a platform for all of our future benefit.

My pledge

I pledge to add value to the system rather than just taking it away. I pledge to help other users grow and thrive within the system.

I will add my support to any people or projects that I feel will add value to the chain in return.

I will continue to be very active on the chain and now on #sportstalk. I will be here to help other users and spread the word about STEEM as we grow towards the future. I am involved in multiple different discord groups and will always try to help out where asked. As stakeholders we all have a real interest in seeing STEEM succeed and I would love to think that we can all act like it in the future.

I will keep building my account and trying to grow towards my own future but that also includes the other users that have added value to the chain as well.

I was challenged by @newageinv writing his post here to take on the #supporthonesty challenge. Coming from a user I have huge respect for, I was glad to take on the challenge and make my own pledge to the chain. With that in mind I will challenge @blanchy, @paulag, @taskmaster4450 and @traciyork to do a post as well.



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