Park Memory..


Today is July 31st, it coincides with my birthday.Uh ... very annoying! Everyone seemed to stay away.It may be deliberately or maybe they forget, My mother went to Jogja and have not come home until now.Meanwhile my father always busy with his own affair.Andai they know my feelings, I want to be angry but can not, want to sad is also no use. Finally I decided to take a walk to a small park on the edge of the lake to find fresh air.Although still a little drizzle, I still desperate to get there.

That afternoon, I still want to look at the beautiful sunset twilight. I saw many birds flying in pairs. The beautiful sky painting this afternoon, if only someone who can comfort me, surely I will not feel so sadly. Here dikota Padang, I waiting for a miracle.

Channel of Memories

I leaned my body against the trunk of a large tree, facing the river and pointed my thoughts into it. Oh god ... how quiet here ..., suddenly my thoughts split.
"Who is it so frenetic? Throw the stone in another direction?"
"Eits .. sorry I guess nobody, his hell still hide behind the tree all, like nyi kunti tau? Hehe sorry ya?"
"Yeah gapapa, but I'm really I rarely see you ya? Who are you?"
"I'm Dimas Fernanda, usually called Dimas.Rumahku in RT 07 across the street, I just moved a week ago". I just respond with a laugh crisp. Suddenly he turned to ask me
"I've already know who I am, well now gentian kamunya dong again .."
"My name is Arzelia, call aja Arzel. I also live in RT 07 across the street, maybe we aja neighbor".
I think I want to hit his strange head, he upset me because it just left me without a bit of preliminary.Ahh ... not polite.But let it be, anyway it's almost night, the atmosphere around the lake also has started dark.Mau do not want me to go home alone.

For days my mother has left me, I can only look at her picture at the moment. My photo with my father and my mother. Here I always miss it, even though it's the times when my eyes should be closed.

The ringing tone of the phone made me startled, I immediately grabbed it. I looked at the screen and there I saw a foreign number coming in.
"Hello too, emm here I am dimas, that you know who met you in the garden earlier" Clearly the man
"Oh, dimas ,, what's the nelfon of those nights?" More toll? "I teased him.
"Do you want to know me, will you be my friend?"

I looked back at the pictures of the family I was holding now, staring blankly. I was swept away in my daydream. What if my parents were by my side at the moment?
"Eh .. why do you just diem?" I stubbornly interrupted my thoughts.
"What's that? What? What's it talking about?"
"Do you want to hang out with me?"
"Sure, anyway I'm also alone, do not have a friend deket.However my friends home away" Clearly I told him, although a little memorable as vent.

We also talked about the same things to him. I seem to start to like him, he heard what I say well. Not even one day we know each other but I feel like I've known her for a long time.
"Upz .. already malem nih, you guns angarahin phone until late at night?"
"My father already sleep, I live alone, but I'm also sleepy anyway"
"Yes udah, good night yes, nice dream"
"Night, papay dimas hehe" Ejekku while closing the phone.

I'm so happy tonight, even though no one ever wishes me a happy birthday, at least it's enough to make me laugh before closing my eyes to stare at the dreams that will decorate the mini mala and keep hoping for a miracle tomorrow morning.

This morning is a holiday, I want to ride around the park. But Dimas comes to me, he invites me for a walk. Yes, I admit it. Immediately I put my bike in front of the gate that is around my home page. Oddly every time I see it he's wearing a jacket and gloves. This has made me suspicious, ah but that's not a big deal. The important thing I'm happy to get a friend like.
So far I never suspected, it turns out to have a close friend is very, very important. Because the only thing in my mind is how to solve my own problems, take care of my life and live it. I'm being selfish, but I really do not want to be that way. Kinipun I not only can chatting with my best friend limited to mere sms characters. Dimas, the figure is real to me. As if having an older sister, I tried to be a good brother to her.
"Dimas .. can I just say something?" I asked with a little bow, maybe because I was a little nervous when talking about my request to him.
"Yeah? Ask me what is zel? "
"Want you not to be my sister?"
"Serious? You're not ashamed to be my sister? I'm ugly, you'll be overrun with your friends "
"Ih .. yes baseball lho, want ya? Hehe"
"But promise yes, you can not be embarrassed. Also you should not be naughty as my sister "
"Promise deh kak dimdim" I teased teased him
"Arzel holds his big brother. If Arzel disagreed, the older brother would ninggalin arzel "
"Wih, the threat is sadistic. Quiet aja, entrust all to Arzel hehe "
"Promise is accepted, back to place and perform haha"
"Ih .. I seriously know! In fact dimainin "
"Yes deh, from now on Arzel be his brother kak Dimas ya ..." Clearly, make sure I really agree with my promise.

Dimas is a brother who really sincerely loves me. Nothing can replace him, even I feel like I've known him long ago. Unlike most of my friends. They can not always accompany and understand what I feel. They are more busy with their own affairs, just like my father.

Dimas can always make me smile, for me now the most beautiful thing in my life is how to make him smile, also smile back happily. I also just realized that seeing a happy friend can also make myself happy. Of course this adds to my admiration for Dimas. Which seemed to have woken me from my long sleep all this time.

But now I feel he's a little away from me. I have not seen it for more than a week. I always peek from my bedroom window. I hoped that he would reappear on a small street in our residential complex. Unfortunately, I waited for him for days, waiting for his presence. Not a bit I can see a smile that can make my heart calm

I grabbed my Xperia from the desk top. I contacted him but could not connect at all, I still can not think why he suddenly changed drastically. Is there anything I can not forgive him for? Ah .. but I know, Dimas is not a man like that maybe he was on business, so did not have time to activate his handphone. But the more I think about her, the more I'm curious. Well, finally I decided to come visit his house.

I tried to push the bell in front of the gate of his house, already several times I called him, but it looks like the house is empty. Maybe he did leave me. The loss of a very good friend like him makes me more pessimistic. Could it be the tone of someone who can accompany me as I go through life in my silent days?

As always, when I'm upset and want to find entertainment. I'll sit down under a big tree in the garden near the lake. I thought about the times dimas still here, he advised me not to daydream. In fact, if he was upset, he would throw stones into the middle of the lake, I remember also about what he said when we were alone here. "Zel, lemparin stone slightly tilted yes, later stone could turn into a magic stone you know. He will jump, even a leap of rocks that my brother made up to six jumps. "Haha .. his magic words until now still can make me laugh, maybe this feels when left by a friend who used to make jokes, very, very lost.

Half a month Dimas disappeared without word, lucky my mother had come home. So I do not feel too lonely. I talked a lot about Dimas to my mother, my mother responded by simply smiling. I stopped telling Dimas. I feel, the more I recall it, the more I feel lost. As I daydreamed suddenly came the sound of knocking on the door.
"Tok..tok .. Assalaamu'alaikum ...." Vaguely heard the voice of a man who seemed to have taka sing again ditelingaku.
"Wa'alaikumussalaam .." Ibukupun opened the door for her
"Zel, come over here, have a friend of yours," my mother shouted from the front of the house
"Yes Ma, wait a minute".

I was struck by lightning, it turns out that the man is Dimas, the one I've been waiting for. It was like a marvelous miracle. It turns out he did not really leave me.
"Hiks ... Sister !! Where to go anyway? Make anxious tau! I look everywhere. disms can not, ditelfon also not lifted, I guess brother ninggalin me "I say sad.
"Do not think macem-macem deh, sister's already promised to Arend Nendin" he said explaining.
"Arzel is not afraid kak dimas forget our promise"
"Uh, do not talk in front of the door ah, ntar kualat lho, people say ancient ..."
"What?" I interrupted his conversation. I'm annoyed, this time still he invites me to joke.
"No deh, not so"
"Yes, we go to the park how?"
"Good idea tuh".

I also pulled his right hand, suddenly a glove and an object fell from his arm.
"Sister ?? What is it? "I asked curiously.
"That .. it .." he replied with a halting,
"This is a fake hand kak? So ... "Unfinished I spoke, he gentian pulled my hand and ran to invite me to the park. After arriving, he also explained why he had to use a fake hand.
"Zel, this is the real brother. Sister sure someday, something like this will surely happen. Sister defects zel ... "
"Why do not you tell me from before?"
"I'm afraid, my sister will lose brother's friend again"
'But why is that? I'm glad to have an adoptive sister like kak dimas "
"My brother never understood the mind and the heart of each person. Brother never knew if arzel really love dimas figure as brother arzel with sincere "
"The sister was already arzel like an own brother arzel, what brother never understand, how arzel ngejalanin days without brother? Quiet kak !! Lonely !! "I said it while crying, but as if he did not believe me, in fact he left me alone.
Arriving at home, the tone of sms in my Xperia goes off, I look at the screen, it turns out kak dimas who sent a short message for me.

5:35 pm
Zel, you taukan it feels alone is rich how ?, must be very annoying. I am sad to see you sendiri.Karena I almost every day feel it. Zel if you still want me to be your brother, tomorrow you go to the park on the edge of the lake ya ..?
I thought for a moment, interpreting what the sms meant. Maybe I was too exaggerated to think of someone I had recently known. Without realizing it, almost late at night, I closed my eyes, tried to dream. Maybe my mom said true "Dream is memory , through dreams we can see ". I want to know, what will Dimas say when we meet later.

After school, I rushed to the park. Here, on the edge of the lake. I waited for him to come.How how long I waited for him, finally he appeared.Good but sure, he began to tell his childhood.He told me that he has been disabled since birth, even more shocking, he never felt how hard and happy to study in formal school. He said he had time to go to school, but because his friends know that he does not have the right hand, all his friends stay away from him. as if thinking of him as a monster. And therefore to just say hello his best friend no one wants.
Dimas kept telling me about what he was experiencing. One conclusion I could take, he was more lonely in living his days. He said to me "You should be grateful because you still have friends, even though they are far from you. Unlike me, do not have a friend in my old residence. I'm lucky now there you as my sister ".
I became aware again, it turns out I should not always look up. I feel I'm the most unfortunate in this world. But it turns out there are more suffering from me.
"Sister has told her everything, now it's up to arzel still want to be brother brother, or just stay away from brother".
"For me, big brother is too special to dijauhi.Aku also myself, so I have no reason to leave brother"
"Brother happy to hear this all, thank you still want to be with me"

After he explained it all, he took me home.At once at home, I threw my bag on the mattress. All my student books are scattered. Either why it feels so lazy I fix it. In the meantime I should be happy now because kak dimas is back.

My days are still the same as usual, I still often play with kak dimas, for some reason even though we only often play in the park, we never even feel bored.Anyway I never felt as happy as me with kak Dimas.Kak Dimas once said that his big dream is to become a racer. Unfortunately all that he forgets, because he realized, without his right hand, he is nothing.

But it's not just his dreams. He also wants to be a professional runner, because for him by running he can cry and smile, even though he's defeated, he still says "I've lost a lot, one thing I learned from defeat is, learn about myself and someone else. Sometime I can be a winner. "Yes, those words can still motivate me to stay ahead and never give up.
"Zel !! Come here, come on mama," my mother shouted from the front of the house
"Yeah ma, wait a minute" I said frantically
"Let's join mama nganterin dimas, dimas sick"
"What? Kak dimas sick ?? Kak dimas sick what ma?" I asked, shocked to hear mama explanation.
"Already later you also know sendiri.Sekarang we help his parents dimas nganterin him to the hospital"
"Yeah ma, come on"

Me, Mama and Parents Dimas was heading to the hospital with panik.Orang old said that the last kak Dimas fainted and never woke up.So they panicked and asked my mother for help to bring Dimas to the hospital.

Almost a month Dimas has not been unconscious, I am sorry to see him lying weak there.Every day after school I visited him to make sure whether he was okay.I waited for him until he realized and can accompany and comfort me again, cheer me up and give life meaning for me, I realize there are a lot of Dimas in this world. But Dimas is amazing only kak Dimas a.

Mother Kak Dimas suddenly approached me, He gave a letter from kak dimas.Katanya, kak dimas write the letter when he realized from komanya.Yang strangely I never know the moment kak Dimas awake, maybe when I was in school. I do not know…

Dear Arzel, my dear sister ...

I'm sorry I can not color every day anymore.
Well .. here I am, from childhood until now it is sickly.
I feel bored this way, even sometimes I intend to take my own life.
But when I regained consciousness, I had people who loved me very much.
So I discontinued my stupid intention ,.
I know this life just wants me to be sincere and grateful for whatever power I have and use it to do something useful for me, my family and my neighbor.
Zel .. actually not much you need to be a peaceful person,
Ask God for help, it is he who will strengthen the part where you are weak.
Zel .. when God calls me later, you do not cry. I know you must understand that I, just home to my more comfortable home.
So, forgive all my mistakes all along.
Never give up! Keep on fighting!
I hope I can remain your best friend forever

Dimas Fernanda

I was crying instantly after reading the letter, but I realized he would not like to see me crying for him. Because it can not hold back tears continue to spill this. I decided not to see him for a while. I hope this way, I can relieve my sadness.

Suddenly Mom called me
"Hello ... zel, where are you?"
"I'm home ma, what's up?"
"Hurry to the hospital"
"There a ..." I have not had time to ask about what happened mama has closed my phone. I hurried to the hospital. I'm afraid something happens with Dimas.

Upon arrival at the hospital, I am confused why everyone is crying. Even my mama was crying too. Immediately I headed to his care room Kak Dimas. I silence a thousand words to see what has happened to kak Dimas. As if the world stopped spinning. He! Dimas, has left me forever. I feel annoyed with myself, how stupid I am. Why should I go in his last moment.

I regret having to see him the last time, with the lifeless condition. If only I could roll back the hands of time. I will not leave him.

I remembered Dimas's message, he forbade me not to be childish again. I am ashamed, ashamed of my nature that is still like that. I tried not to cry, but what power, tears still spilled. Ah .. can I borrow time so I can meet him again?

After Dimas's funeral was over, I walked back toward the lake. I sat back and looked again at the calm surface. Without feeling, the flow of water flowing from the eyelids. I closed my eyes, then threw stones at the lake. But the more I do it, the more I remember the good memories with him.

The sun shone so brightly, I looked at the color a little to the emasan. He looks like he is smiling at me. And I think that smile is Dimas's smile.
I feel a little disappointed, he did not keep his promise to stay with me and forever be my best friend. But maybe it is the will of God, what power there is nothing I can do, I can only mendo'akannya here.

Today, one day in September 2012. I'll let you go. I try to understand, even though he is no longer here, but his memories will always make him live. Live here, in the hearts of everyone who loves it.
Calm down there ...
My sister dear ...

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