The importance of science in human life

Science is light and ignorance is darkness that burns nations and peoples, and whoever follows a path to seek knowledge, he follows a path of Paradise, and whoever dies during his request for science, dies martyr. All these statements and more have come to promote science which is the basis of civilizations and progress The individual and the nation are both up to the top. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim." The first verses of the Noble Qur'an that were revealed to the Prophet were (read). Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "Say are those who know, and those who do not know equals ). The man's need for science and knowledge to facilitate his life, so this man in the earth began to meditate, write everything he sees, and prepares his experiments one after the other to reach his need, which he diligently endeavored to find, such as inventions and discoveries that evolved with the evolution of time and passage of time and expanded according to intellectual expansion And thanks to these sciences, the large, vast, vast globe has turned into a small village that can reach its limits in moments, all thanks to science and advanced means of communication, and it reaches the space, to move the human and step on the surface of the Moon, and up in his research beyond the sun, and perhaps in the future will reach farther.

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