Novel: Milk supplier

The day someone assaulted me in my chest and called me a cat and threatened to shoot, the milkman died on that day. One of the state's armed men killed him and I was not troubled by the death of this man. Many people were still being many people who knew me 'but did not talk', they were talking about me too; Because, a rumor was going on, basically big brother-in-law started rumor that my love is running with the man and my age is eighteen and his forty-one I knew her age, not because her news of murder had come to the media, but for that reason that these conversations were going on several months before, the bad words of the eighteen and the twenty-three-year-olds, the man is married and the silent spectators who are foolish I can not make it. It seems to me that I was also guilty of this love. I was not in love with the milkman. I did not like him but was very hesitant and afraid of him in this love affair and his persecution.

I did not like the big brother-in-law. He would definitely make stories about another's sex life - even about me. When I was a little-twelve years-he was pregnant by the long-time lover of his big boyfriend and after the separation of comfort, both of them got pregnant, and both of them soon got married. From the very first day, she started making objectionable remarks about me. I did not understand the sexually suggestive words he used to use. He knew it, he knew that at least I understood that he was angry. This thing gave him happiness. Then he is running fifteen and my twelve. Twenty-three years of the age difference.

So he used to comment and I did not say anything. Because I did not understand how I should react with him. If he was at home he would never have said this. All the time-whatever went out, a switch would have been started in it. It is a good thing that there was no fear of physical damage from his side. At that time, in that area, the main criterion for evaluating people was how aggressive it was. And I did not understand that at first. Still, in this gimmick, I used to be tough. She was a dirty thing and my sister was very busy because she did not believe that she was the lover of a long-term eastern lover. And this old man, whom he married, could not accept him, he is much younger than him, and very unhappy, a very kind of love-not just this man. I stopped going to see him, though he was very upset and could not go because I was not able to bear the face of the couple and the face. In six years - when he was trying to get me and my other big sisters away from me - straight, turn-over, gently, ugly - we were avoiding him, while the other more dangerous and unexpectedly the milkman appeared.

I did not know who the milkman was. Not only us. I think nobodies. She did not order milk. She had no relation to milk. Even she did not reach milk, did not run milk trucks. He used to drive cars, many shimmers, even though there was no glare among his own. I first noticed him, when he started coming in front of me with his cars.

One day he appeared in a car. I was reading Ivanova on a walk. I often go for a walk to read books. It doesn't appear to be an issue for me. But to say something against me, it was often referred to as walking on this walk.

'Are not you one of these girls? Do not you have your father? Your brother is not playing this Hano-Tano team? Get in the car, lift you up.

Simply saying that the passenger-door was almost opened. I was surprised to read. The car did not get the sound of it, never seen its driver before. He was looking at me with a lean, with a smile and a very straining expression. But now, in this eighteenth year, a 'soft smile and obstacle' warns me very much.

I certainly did not want to take a lift. I just love to walk-walking, walking, walking, and talking a special thing. I did not want to get in the car with this guy, though I could not understand how to say it; Because she did not behave rude and harsh, and knew many of my family, the right of male members also said, I could not be rude. So I hesitated, I became stupid, which was very rude.

I'm walking I said I

Reading. I picked up the book, so Ivanovo will explain the walk, the need to walk.

You can also get in the car. I do not remember what I said in response to this. Finally, he laughed and said, okay, there is no problem, read it. And the car door was stuck.

This is the first run through this is the situation. The rumor started immediately. The big stars came to meet. Because, at present, a forty-year-old Dulabhai has sent him. He will scold me and warn me. He said I have seen or talked to this person.

Doctor, I said, 'seen' means what? Who saw Your son?

Just listen to me. He said. But I did not hear, because of the brother-in-law and his double face look and the closeness to the older husband.

In my own ignorance, I blamed myself. Dulabaiyya's bad comment for so many days and unknowingly blamed this man for marrying, whom he did not love and probably would not even be able to respect. Because he knows all this manipulation of the man, he does not know why or why.

Apa tried to stop me from trying. I used to say that mixing with all batches is not good for myself. My father burned in anger, and I started making a curse. Because the only way to get him out of the house is one. I was shouting at the window after saying that if the person has to say anything, then he should come and appear before me. The work is wrong, it becomes emotional, expressing emotions, cheating through the window, showing anger in the street and losing the sense of intuition. I usually do not do that. But I got angry, was getting angry, my son-in-law, and my son-in-law; The anger was on the side of Dulabaiya - trying to put his own dirt on me.

I was thinking of my own persistence, I was thinking of 'Give my own sparkle oil' kind of thinking. Unfortunately, whenever such a thing happens, I can reverse it, I can not learn anything from the previous experience. So I have blown the rumor spreading with milkman and me and I did not take it for granted. The people who are nosed in the next nausea are constantly practiced. The catalyst comes and goes, spread out and find the next victim. So I did not give the impression of love to this milkwoman. Then he got up again - now it's time to run in my park.

I was alone, and now I did not read, I did not run when I ran. At that time she appeared, who knew from where and kept running with me. It seems apparent that we are running together and we should always run together; I was surprised again, just like last time I was surprised at this meeting with this guy. At first, he did not say anything, and I could not say anything. Then he started talking in the middle of the way that we were in the talk. Because of the speed of the race, I was briefly shouting about my work, stunned, he said. He knew what I did-where, what was my job, when I went, in some bar, and before eight years of the robbery I used to live in the morning - all of this. He also announced that I would never live on the way home. That's true. At the end of every week, whether there is sunshine or rain, bombardment or gunfight, strike or riots, I would have returned home, read books, read books, and read books. The book is certainly a book of the nineteenth century. Because I do not like the books of the twentieth century and not even twenty centuries. If you look back, it seems that the milkman knows everything.

So he kept talking when we were going through the front lighthouse. There is another small pond near the grounds of children's play. The man, who was looking forward, did not see me once. In this second meeting, I did not ask a question about him. He did not seem to want to know anything. I would not have said it. I still wonder, 'Where did this come from again?' And why - or do you think that I know each other or do we know each other? It's assuming that when I run around, I will not miss anything when I actually think. And why stop me running, can not tell me to stay alone? After all, apart from the question, 'where did he come from?' Many times afterward, after a few hours, after nine or twenty years. Then, at eighteen years of age, a homosexual society, where the main rule is that if there is no physical injury, and if someone insulted by insulting a lot of people, and does not look for any kind of cruelty, then the event is nothing in such a society How do you think someone is being attacked, which has not been done? In the eighteen years, I did not really understand the extent of the personal area. I used to think, guess, and felt a bit disgusted to some people. I did not know that these assumptions are actually supposed to be a repetition, I do not know if anyone who wants to come near me has the right to admit. What I could do at that time was that I hoped that the person would like to say what he wants to say, sooner or later he could go as soon as he could.

After the second meeting, I realized that the milkman was attracted to me and wanted to move forward. I also realized that I do not like him, and the same feelings like him are not from me. But he did not say anything directly about this. Did not ask me anything; Until he did not look at the second time. On her, she was bigger than me - bigger than me. I was just thinking, so what I'm assuming is wrong?

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