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beautiful flower I've ever seen

The streets in this park are guaranteed to be very satisfied deh. This park provides a parony of various types of flowers

This park is very famous for foreign tourists, you know. If you want to know more clearly about the flowers, you can hire guide services.

The plants themselves are not too festive and colorful as in other locations. Mostly even in the form of green plants such as pine, fir, and bonsai that add to the impression of beautiful and make you feel at home lingering here.


Jalan-jalan di taman ini dijamin bakal puas banget deh. Taman ini memberikan paronama dari berbagai jenis bunga

Taman ini sangat terkenal bagi wisatawan turis asing, lho. Kalau kamu ingin tahu lebih jelas tentang bunga-bunga itu, kamu bisa menyewa jasa pemandu.

Tanamannya sendiri tak terlalu meriah dan berwarna-warni seperti di lokasi lain. Kebanyakan malah berupa tanaman hijau seperti pinus, cemara, dan bonsai yang menambah kesan asri dan membuatmu betah berlama-lama di sini.

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