Many benefits of drinking milk

10 Benefits of Milk For Body Health
Milk is one of the processed animal protein products derived from cows. Milk is a commercial product that is currently very easy to find. Milk is identical to the results of cow's milk, but now dairy products have been obtained from other protein sources, such as the benefits of soy milk containing vegetable protein. There is some inaccurate information that develops in the general public about the negative effects of milk, whereas the benefits of milk are very good for health and a number of other benefits.

Benefits of Milk For Health

  1. Source of Calcium and Protein

Some dairy products contain high levels of calcium and protein, more than the daily requirement for this substance. Even low-fat dairy products, such as the benefits of yogurt or low-fat cheese. Just a cup of nonfat plain yogurt for example, gives one-third of the recommended daily calcium intake of 17% estimated daily protein intake.

  1. Maintaining Dental and Bone Health

Calcium in milk is the most important substance for bone health. Calcium is not only good for bone growth in children, but also in adults is needed to maintain bone strength and prevent the risk of osteoporosis.

Please note when buying milk, choose milk with vitamin D supplement in it to help the absorption of calcium in the body. This calcium also helps keep your teeth grow healthy and prevent them from potholes.

  1. Improve Blood Pressure

Research conducted in Spain in more than 5,000 adults, in those reported to consume low-fat milk, 54% less likely to develop high blood pressure over a two-year period.

Keeping Weight

Many people are leaving milk on their diet program. Though research shows that women who consume low-fat milk or skim milk, can lose weight more than those who do not consume milk. Milk can be a healthy snack by adding pieces of fruit benefits to a glass of milk for dinner.

  1. Reduce Stress

Drinking milk at the end of the day is one good way, after a day's tired activity. A glass of warm milk will help relax the tense muscles and calm the nerves. If you can not get the coffee because you do not like it, warm milk can replace it.

  1. Increase Energy During PMS

Milk is best consumed during PMS times for women to increase energy. Women who get more calcium and vitamin D all month long with drinking skim milk or low-fat milk have a lower risk for developing STDs, according to a study from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

  1. Influencing Fertility To Get Children

Are doing a program to have a baby ?? Add milk to the daily diet. In a study at Harvard University found that women who consumed more than one serving of high-fat milk about 25%, were less likely to suffer from ovulation problems than those who drank less milk a week
Other Milk Benefits

Milk is not only useful for the fulfillment of nutritional needs for the body, but the content of these substances in milk can provide other benefits beyond health problems, such as the following:

  1. Eliminate Clothing Stains

Milk is powerful to remove ink stains on clothing, because a number of enzyme content in it. Separate clothes with stains, then part of the clothing affected by ink stains, dipped in milk before washing.

  1. Being a hair conditioner

Milk is useful for natural hair care, derived from the amount of enzyme content in milk and also vegetable protein that makes milk as a conditioner. Pour 1/8 cup of milk on hair after shampooing, then rinse water with hair until clean.

  1. Closes porcelain cracks

Home porcelain appliances may experience cracks, and then unused even until disposed. Do not just throw away this cracked porcelain, because milk can help glue the cracked polselen back. How: porcelain soak in milk, then heat to warm. After that, turn off the heat and wait for the night. Casein protein in the milk compartment, capable of covering porcelain cracks.

Kandugan Nutrisi Susu

Milk is a good source of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. Milk has long been recognized and plays an important role in bone health. Changing milk intake on the basis of this myth, it means no need to limit this highly nutritious beverage.

Milk or other dairy products, containing nutritional balance from proteins, fats and carbohydrates and are an important source of nutrients, including:

vitamins A, and B12

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