the struggle of small fishermen

small fisherman :
this is a glimpse of the story, about our struggle, to fulfill life.
in this vast sea, where one is, we have hope, even if we have to risk our lives, we have to live, just for the sake of, a hope,
though the lightning and rain of the keralan confronted, and the strong winds of the kerab, the body was cold, in the wind all night, had become the fate of our fishermen, living in the darkness of all time,
we sailed by the time the sun was about to set, all night we never closed our eyes, until dawn began to unfold, and the moon stretched out on the horizon, we turned around, carrying a hope, but sometimes, we came home with tears,
this is the story of life, the little fishermen, the unpromising search, the half-life of groping,



Nelayan kecil :
inilah sekilas kisah,tentang perjuangan kami,untuk memenuhi kehidupan.
Di laut yang luas ini,tempat satu satu nya, kami menaruh harapan,sekalipun kami harus mempertaruhkan nyawa,tetap harus kami jalani,hanya demi,sebutir harapan,
walau petir dan hujan kerab menghadang,serta angin kencang kerab melanda,badan terasa dingin,di terpa angin sepanjang malam,sudah menjadi nasib kami para nelayan, hidup dalam kegelapan sepanjang masa,kami berlayar di saat matahari hampir terbenam,sepanjang malam kami tidak pernah menutup mata,hingga fajar mulai terbentang,sampai rembulan menghilang di cakrawala,baru kami berputar,dengan membawa sebutir harapan,namun terkadang,kami pulang dengan deraian air mata,
beginilah kisah hidup,para nelayan kecil,pencarian yang tak menjanjikan,kehidupan setengah meraba raba,

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