Benefits flowers eforbia to health


1.Treat hepatitis
Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver or liver caused chemical toxins or a viral infection.
Hepatitis a can cure itself , but does not mean immune to another type .Well,to treat hepatitis,you can use a eforbia.The trick is,is starting the stem ferns slices studs,as many as 9-15 grams.Boiled the stem this together glass water boiling until3.Let the water left 1 glass,then lift.Drop honey as the add,then drink the water as long as warm.
2.Treat ulcers
The pressing together of your is a skin disease excruciating.Let alone it is located in the the body that is usually used to sit .Sure you feel bad about this condition.Well,the bark is of challenging bullying behaviour,use eforbia flowers.The trick is,the stem eforbia slices then washed with flowing water clean up completely.Sear with a small fire for a few minutes, then will pin things up on the skin arising ulcers.
3.Treat burns
To speed up the recovery of tissue in burns,use flowers euphorbia.Break a bone of it stems euphorbia carefully,so it will not heat .Several sheets in your its leaves.Washing them with running water to clean,then boiled with water to the taste.Let boiling for a few minutes,then cool.Use to mengompres the skin,who suffered burns.

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