A disease that vulnerable children in natural young people these days


Experts say,most cases are caused by death in jatung by disease,the things that trigger due to smoking,excess of weight,consume less physical or living a very sedentary.
2.Of wheezing
In the majority of cases of wheezing,or about 85 % in because there were too many merokok.selain are caused by that are caused by could be in a due to exposure to smoke,chemicals and dust,to reduce the risk of respiratory you can exercise routine swimming and stop smoking.
Diabetes is a condition where the sugar content in the body is inflated,that lifestyle young people today are not sehat.hal triggering often have gone without sleep,drinking sparkling wine,often eat junk food.
4.cholesterol and uric acid
Cholesterol and uric acid ill because of this can trigger such as strokes and heart,by keeping food consumption and do a healthy lifestyle you shall be spared from illness cholesterol and acid urat.hal that may be evaded reduce of the food the tongue and sweet and diligent olahraga.perbanyak ate vegetables white vegetables and drink lots of water.

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