delicious cook

Steemite Companions Cooked shells include my favorite foods. But I rarely eat. Because my husband does not like seafood. Yaaa .. So I myself rarely buy let alone cook. Eat boiled clams if it's just a little bit like nampol. New feel satisfied if you eat sekilo 2 kilo. Hahaha maruuuk ..

It's my way of cooking boiled shellfish, the result of mimicking my mama recipe.
Material :
Fresh leather shells
Laos / galangal
Bay leaf
Lime leaves

How to make.
Wash the shells. I sometimes brush a dirty shell with a toothbrush. Rinse thoroughly.
In order to eliminate the fishy odor (because the husband must frown smell of the whole house), I give lime juice.

Boil water in a pan with galangal and dried lemongrass, orange leaves and bay leaf. The number of it just roughly wrote.
Put the mussels in the pan with boiling water. Stir and add salt according to taste.
Let it mature for 10 minutes or until the plasticity of the shell skin is partly open.
Drain. Ready to eat anget-anget

Usually my mama is diligent to make cocolan eat this shell skin.
Cocolannya material from:
Peanut sauce
Grated pineapple
Chili milled
Mix together so stirring evenly. Heeemmm asyeeeek ....
Because I eat together with Micca, and there is no ingredients, yauda dicocolin sambel aje bottle. Wkwkwk ...

My mom loves to cook boiled mussels from fur shells (if in Medan the name is so, and many sold there). While here I nemunya shell stone (it's also a term from mama). Not a lot of feathers. Make me nice. It used to have ever eaten also a scallop that is still in the shell.

The meat is chewy and solid, so thick. It's really good .. Pregnant I like to eat boiled shell too. 3 kg can be engulfed alone. Hahaha .. Later I know the original rock shell name is Dara shell.

And the scallop that I call it here is called Simping or Serimping shell. Different thin shells axes / scallop real.
Btw, we discussed the shells yuk ..
I collect referrals from my googling results on the internet.

Shellfish is a soft-bodied aquatic animal (mollusc). Many kinds ranging from abalone, mussels, clams, periwinkel, kupang, oysters and simping.


Common features: All shells have a pair of shells (also called grafts or valves) which are usually symmetry of a mirror connected to a ligament (connective tissue). In most shells there are two adductor muscles that regulate the open-lid of the shell.

Shells have no head (also brains) and only the eyebrows have eyes. The organs are kidney, heart, mouth, and anus. Shellfish can move with "feet" in the form of a flattened organ expelled from the shell at any time or by opening the lid of the shell in a shock.

The circulation system is open, meaning it has no blood vessels. The supply of oxygen comes from the very liquid blood that is rich in nutrients and oxygen that surrounds its organs.
Food shells are plankton, by means of filtering.

The shell itself is a prey for squid and sharks. All shells are male when young. Some will become females along with maturity. Shells have gonads, genital glands that produce sperm or eggs depending on the sex of the shell.

Egg fertilization occurs externally where sperm and eggs meet in water. The fertilized egg develops into a larva called a trochophore, which will swim with the current and stick it somewhere before it begins to form a shell.

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