farmers are the main actors.



and is a member of a farmer group in agricultural production activities as well as part of the Indonesian community that needs to be improved their welfare and intelligence, one of the efforts to increase intelligence is carried out through counseling activities. With the extension, it is expected that all agricultural information that is developed can be absorbed and accepted by farmers, the more information that is used by farmers, the more effective the extension.

Meurah Mulia District is one of the districts in northern Aceh that relies on the agricultural sector as a source of livelihood. As one sub-district that relies on the agricultural sector, of course it must have a growing and independent farmer institution so that farmers are more optimal in carrying out their farming business to increase their production, one of which is through a farmer group (Gapoktan), of the 48 villages in Meurah Mulia District there are 16 Gapoktan which has 1109 members. The details of the combined farmer groups in Meurah Mulia District.

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