Keris sakti mandraguna famous in Indonesia


Keris became one of Indonesia's priceless heritage. Previously, according to kris legend is often used as a tool in war between kingdoms, as well as in ritual events. But now, keris is widely used as a complement in clothing, one of them is Javanese custom, and also as a collection in several museums.

UNESCO has also recognized keris as world heritage. Well, of the many kris that ever existed, do you know the name and the origin of the keris? As quoted from from various sources, the following kris-keris called 'sakti mandraguna' most famous in Indonesia:

Keris Mpu Gandring is a famous heritage weapon in the history of the founding of Singhasari Kingdom in Malang, East Java now. This kris is famous for its curse which took its toll from the Singasari elite including its founder and wearer, Ken Arok.

This kris is made by a very reputable blacksmith named Mpu Gandring, upon order of Ken Arok. After completing the keris with the form and perfect form even has supernatural abilities that supposedly said beyond the kris heirloom that time.

Long story short, Ken Arok precisely thrust the kris to Mpu Gandring. In a state of dying, Mpu Gandring issued a curse; the keris will claim the lives of seven derivatives from Ken Arok. In its journey, the keris is involved in the dispute and murder of the royal elite Singhasari namely: Tunggul Ametung, Ken Arok, Anusapati and Ken Arok's descendants.

Keris Pusaka Nagasasra and Belt Inten are relics of King Majapahit. Nagasasra is the name of one of the thirteen kris's kitchen kitchens and some of them are nine and eleven, so the mention of this kitchen name must be accompanied by declaring the amount of the paint to be false.

In a fine Nagasasra kris, many of its blades are given gold kinatah, and the making of this kind of gold kinatah has been designed by the master since the beginning of the making. At the final stage of completion, the master has made the kinatah shape according to the design.

The parts that will be fitted with gold will be given a special plot in the form of prestige, for 'the place of installation of gold position' and after completion wilah finished, then followed by gold attachment by goldsmith from within the kingdom.

One of the kris makers with the best Nagasasra kitchen, is the masterpiece of Ki Nom, is a famous master, and lived in the end of the Majapahit kingdom.

Keris Kyai Satan Kober is the name of kris of Duke Jipang, Arya Penangsang. This kris is worn at the time of the war against Sutawijaya. One time the spear Kyai Pleret Sutawijaya used about the stomach Arya Penangsang, until the intestines are spilled.

Arya Penangsang with alacrity, menyangkutkan bowel gore it on wrangka or glove-upstream kris tucked at his waist, and continue fighting. The next time, Sutawijaya was great and the opportunity was used by Arya Penangsang to finish the war immediately, by pulling a dagger from the wrangka or ngliga keris (wielding), and without realizing that wilah (an) or Kyai Satan Kober's kris directly cut his intestines which is hooked on the wrap part. He died instantly.

Sutawijaya was impressed witnessing how dashing Arya Penangsang with the intestines spilled on the upstream of his kris. He then commanded that his son, if later married imitate Arya Penangsang, and replace the bowel with a series or ronce jasmine, so the groom will look more manly, and the tradition is still used today.

Condong Mix is ​​one of keris kingdom of Majapahit Kingdom which many mentioned in legend and folklore. This keris is known as Kanjeng Kyai Condong Campur.

It is said that this heirloom keris made by a hundred people mpu. The keris's materials are taken from several places. And finally this keris into a very powerful kris heirloom but has a bad character.

the owner of this kris is a warrior or upstream of the Majapahit kingdom of rajang named Taming Sari. Keris is then exchanged hands to hulubalang Melaka who has succeeded in killing Taming Sari named Hang Tuah.

This transfer of ownership takes place in a marvelous dagger duel between Taming Sari and Hang Tuah, which was eventually won by Hang Tuah

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