

Here is the tree ** GINSENG ACEH **, This plant I planted behind my house since 9 years ago with thriving when there is no special care and now I want to share a little about the BENEFITS OF GINSENG,
This plant is very different from the famous ginseng tree in other countries such as korean ginseng, this one plant has many branches of high about 20-40cm can even slightly higher. This plant is easy to grow and very easy to plant.
This plant can be planted with seeds or stem cuttings, so easy and easy to distek and stuck in the soil of this plant can grow and fertile, even I ever cut it out because the tree is tall and old, and it turns out on the out shoots and stems are cut off lying on the ground can also flourish,
Just a few months alone this plant can meet our garden because the seeds that fall directly on the growing, my ginseng plant is a lot of requests, ordinary from the neighbors who know the efficacy of this aceh ginseng plant.
When the dry season arrives and the ginseng plant is dead, do not worry later in the rainy season is sure to grow again, but you should not die deh this plant, it's a lot of usefulness.
** BENEFITS AND SUPPLIES OF GINGSENG ACEH **, all from this part of the plant can be processed into foodstuffs, for young leaves and stems I often use it as a vegetable lodeh, to mix fried noodles or boiled noodles, spagetthi or vegetable nodes. It feels good webbed feels supple.
Its thickened roots form a bulb. Gray color, he said can increase the stamina of men like most other ginseng trees, while the leaves can be used as a supplement enhancer breast milk (ASI). This plant contains vitamin A.

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