it turns out this one fruit many benefits ... !!

FRUIT CREAM is a fruit that is very easy to find formerly around the countryside. Just imagine this fruit grows in the plantation or rice fields so that children once very easy to take it. Not apart from me, I also childhood like to eat this fruit. Every time I went to my field my sister would run the most. This one fruit does look like an ordinary fruit that grow somewhere. Even I did not know if this one plant turned out to be a medicine. Waw is great is not it?
Ciplukan fruit itself has a variety of names loh. In my special area Batak people called pultak-pultak. It used to be this fruit easily obtained without having to spend a penny but now do not get me wrong, nyari fruit is not as easy as it used to be. This fruit is already packed ready to be marketed in the malls. This fruit is more expensive because this fruit is well known for its benefits.

Here are the benefits of Ciplukan fruit

  1. Cure Heart Disease

One of the benefits of Ciplukan fruit is to treat heart disorders. The way 40 pieces of ciplukan leaves and destroy with a blender, then drink without a mixture of anything. The leaves we can also eat directly, but make sure it was washed first.

  1. As Asthma Drugs

Take the leaves and stems of Ciplukan fruit, boil and boil the water and drink it

  1. Treating Ringworm

Destroy the leaves of Ciplukan fruit and apply on the skin affected by ringworm.

4.Lower High Blood Pressure

Drink boiled water Ciplukan, leaves, fruit, and roots for three consecutive weeks.

  1. Lowering Cholesterol

The way to eat leaves from fruit Ciplukan two strands three times a day.

  1. Treating Diabetes

Boil the stems and roots of Ciplukan fruit, then drink 3k times a day.

  1. Treating Stroke

Drinking and eating parts of the fruit Ciplukan regularly can also help treat stroke loh disease.

  1. Eliminate Yellow In Newborns

Ciplukan fruit dried in the sun to dry, then used to bathe in newborns.

  1. Treat Breast Cancer

Way, the young shoots mixed with 4 seeds of rice and turmeric shoots. Then milled with grated coconut until crushed. After that the concoction was directly affixed to the breast.

  1. Toxicant Bidders

All parts of Ciplulan fruit can be consumed as an antidote.

Keep in mind, although this Ciplukan fruit has extraordinary properties, but do not consume them along with coffee. Because it can cause poisoning.

May be useful.

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