waiting for you to go home

cerita tadi sore saya ke bandara malikussaleh menjemput keponakan pulang dari jakarta,ketika pesawat turun,saya ambil kesempatan untuk photo-photo agar ada kenang-kenangan.
Apalagi kebanyakan anak-anak yang datang menengok pesawat turun menuju anggar.
my story this afternoon to the airport malikusaleh pick up nephew back home from jakarta, when the plane went down, I took the opportunity for the photos to keep a memento.
Moreover, most children who come to see the plane down to the fencing.


Dan saudara penjemput sudah banyak yang datang kebandara juga menunggu pesawat tiba,tapi masyarakat disini sudah biasa tentang pesawat turun,kebanyakan pendatang yang jauh dari bandara sangat antusias dengan pesawat.
And the brothers of the pickpockets have come to the airport as well waiting for the plane to arrive, but the people here are familiar about the plane going down, most migrants far from the airport are very enthusiastic with the plane.


Kelihatan saudara penjemput sudah banyak yang datang menurut mobil yang parkir banyak berjejer di parkiran.
It seems that many of the brothers have come by car parking lot lined up in the parking lot. image

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