
Pythagorean Ionian philosopher who lived between 570 - 495 BC was a mathematician and founder of the current known as Pythagoras. The best known proposition is; Pythagoras, which is remembered by the name. You know, "the father of the number". Pythagoras and his student are all in mathematics; the numbers are the ultimate truth; He believed that the math tool would predict and predict everything. He was the one who named himself as a friend of yours. Since Pythagoras does not disseminate his thoughts in writing, we know his knowledge about the limitations of his students' writings. Many works that refer to Pythagorean are actually his student's.

Contribution of Pythagoras to biology and sanata

Mathematics and astronomy contributes to it.
His affiliation gave the name Pythagorean affiliation.
Pisagorteoremia is the number of irritants.
He revealed that his music could be reduced to mathematical proportions and discovered the diatonic scale.
Nowadays, some of the people have suggested the "harmony of the globe", which is very warmly regarded as "sphere music".
MusicIe medication has made a contribution to the medicinal workshop.
According to a claim, he knew that the Earth was a circle and that he was in a movement of two, and these were only open to the initiative, which in the course of this esoteric doctrinal doctrine had to move in the direction of the enemy.
(345) and (51213) triangles
The multiplication table is so small that it is fine.


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