Want to Open a Business? Prepare First 5 Mental

The character of the entrepreneur is not born just like that. In general, we see an entrepreneur simply by looking at his success at this time, for example having a lot of money or a luxurious home.
Though behind it all, there is hard work and leadership character owned. Speaking of entrepreneurship, more emphasis on the ability of entrepreneurs themselves in going through many stages as described by Karim Business Consulting Director Adiwarman A Karim, as quoted from 10 Prospective Business 2010-2020, the work of Rauhana Salsabila.

  1. Be able to eliminate mentalblocking and self-defeating from unwarranted doubts and fears.
    When starting a business, sometimes we find it very difficult for fear of failure. In fact, the concern is not necessarily true. Indeed, in the course of everything there is a risk. However, we need not fear because it will keep us from progressing and developing. One way you can fertilize is to analyze the likelihood of the greatest risk or the worst possibility that will befall the business and prepare yourself to overcome it.
  2. Able to dominate the market.
    The simplest meaning of dominating the market is that we have to know where to buy the goods at a low price and where to sell the goods at a more expensive price. To create excellence and win the competition, mastering the market is one of the key.
  3. Able to produce goods according to market demands that can not be fulfilled by the supplier.
    That is, if the goods can not be filled supplier, we can make your own. Of course, by considering profit and loss in producing the goods.
  4. Able to organize the organization effectively.
    In other words, if you experience work overload so often keteteran, it means it's time to add employees to meet market demands. Of course, with reference to the quality and job specification required.
  5. Be able to convince and attract capital owners.
    This is done when a businessman wants to increase production, while he does not have enough cost. With his diplomacy and honesty he was able to attract capital owners to invest.
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