Wou are everything


kau hadirkan diri mu, di saat aku perlukan..
kau hulurkan tangan mu ketika aku jatuh terkulai..
kau tunjuk arah ku, ketika aku tersesat jalan..
kau terangi langkah ku ketika aku kegelapan..

diri mu belahan jiwa ku...cinta mu anugrah buat ku
walau kau jauh beribu batu,,kau senantiasa dlm hati ku..
karena Tuhan lebih tau..semoga dg ridha Nya kita dpt bersatu.."


you present yourself, when i need ..
You stretch out your hand when I fall down.
you point me in the direction, when i get lost the way ..
You light my step when I'm dark ..

Yourself is my soul mate ... Your love is my gift for me
though you are far away thousands of stones ,, you are always in my heart ..
because God knows better .. hopefully with His pleasure we can unite .. "

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