flower plant

Hello everyone friends.I hope and pray that you are healthy and successful


This interest is in our terms aceh people who call it bungong linceng kuneng (yellow bells) and kuneng trumpets (yellow trumpets) but some also say alamanda flowers. This flower has benefits as an ornamental plant. This plant can climb and has a flower shape like a trumpet.


the neighbor said when I photographed this flower plant. This plant has potential as an antibacterial, but this plant cannot be used as an herbal medicine because the entire plant content is allamandin which can cause irritation. But you don't need to worry about the level of poison as long as it is not consumed.


Alamanda flower plants can grow easily, especially in places with lots of water. Alamanda is often seen growing wild on the banks of a river. The stem is dark brown and hard. Young shoots are green. The flowers will flourish if these plants grow in places exposed to direct sunlight


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