Second District Court Judge for the Eastern Rangoon (4) trial

FDA deputy supervisor about the woman killed the death penalty can be imposed Section is charged with the taxi driver and the district office have been victims appear in court on May 21 to a depth of two witnesses witness list being ယင်းတရားရုံးမှ စုံစမ်းသိရသည်. With regard to the Second District Court Judge for the Eastern Rangoon (4) trial Penal Code Section 377/376/394/302 Myo Zaw, who is charged with and (b) about Sedona, the prosecution witnesses after robbery murder, rape, Menstruation and rice by crimes against the elderly by Section 302 (1) (c) 30 April နေု့ enforced the order is charged. 302 (1) (c) has been charged with any (b) Sedona, North Dagon Two of 33 children living in the territory of the defense testimony by Attorney arm has already been filed at the office today, these two witnesses from our first trip to the past, with no check. One of the two witnesses present to witness his mighty Cancel ရင်မှ Attorney investigating officer rejected by the judges accepted the list. On May 28, a witness to remain in office during appointments to the investigating officer to investigate judges said.

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