Some famous fights in the Soviet MiG series

MIG is a very familiar name to all those who have knowledge about aircraft or aircraft. And why not? This aircraft has been known to have been known for nearly six decades as one of the strongest signs of Vikrama Vikrama. Regional research has been conducted in the western world on the basis of MiG-type airplane. The story is written, the movie has been made.

Shortly after the Second World War, in December 1939, the MiG Design Bureau was established. Its chief was Aramem Mikoyan and Michelle Gourovich, two engineers. The characteristics of the Soviet aviation industry were much like this - from the center, the advice of the army was sent to the design bureaus by various demands. After the design was sent from the Bureau, the aircraft was made from the factory.

MiG-1's first warship in MiG-1, flew into the air in 1940. Next comes the MiG-3 These aircraft could fly very high in the sky. Later, in 1946, MiG-9 was made as the first jet plane of the MiG series. Let's talk about some of the popular fighter series today.

MiG-15 (NATO Name: Fagt)

30 November 1950 A B-29 bomber flying north of Korea. A small airplane came in a few shots and ran away. The man of B-29 did not understand what happened. But after seeing the speed, the Western pilots realized that they were going to read a very strong opponent. That's how the famous MiG-15 fighter entered the war.

MiG-15 could fly at a speed of about thousand kilometers per hour in the first sky, in 1949. The next year, Korea war is tied up. The super-modern design of the MiG-15, the sweepstake, became very popular with 2,500 km range. Since then, this plane has joined the Air Force of about 40 countries. So far, more than 13 thousand MiG-15 have been built. In addition to two rockets or bombs, two artillery were attached.
At the end of World War II many German scientists were sent to the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union started the primary work of MiG-15 with their hands. Later, aid was also received from the British. The first time when Soviet pilots killed the MiG-15 in the shadow of the Chinese forces, the Western forces were surprised to see its speed and control. The huge US B-29 bomber was the favorite victim of MiG-15 pilots. Outside of this, its wars against the US Saber Jet (F-86) are also very famous. Yevgeny Pepeliev and Nikolai Sutagin have used more than 22 US aircrafts, including MiG-15.

A slightly improved version of MiG-15, MiG-17 showed great success on US supersonic war fighter in the Vietnam War. MiG-17 was later converted to MiG-19A, which is also quite successful as a fighter.

MiG-21 (NATO Name: Fishbade)

MiG-21 alias Balalaika is most likely the most famous name in the MiG series. 62 years ago it was flying in the sky first. It has its presence in the air force of many countries. There is no more MiG-21 supersonic aircraft in the world. So far, nearly eleven thousand MiG-21 flights have been flying in the sky for more than 60 countries.

48 feet tall, Mac 1 speed MiG-21 Delta Wing fighter In addition to the 23mm GHH machinegun, it could take 4 or sometimes 2 missiles. Various changes have been made at MiG-21 at different times as required by the Air Force for a long time. The plane can not be long in the sky, this was its major weakness in the battlefield. However, despite these limitations, the MiG-21 has shown remarkable success in the air battle.

During the Vietnam War, many Boeing B-52, F-105 and F-4 Phantom have been subjected to warfare communist pilots. From 1966 to 1972, 56 US aircrafts were hit by MiG-21. This number can be even more. During the Liberation War of MiG-21, many Indian aircrafts under Indian forces have been suppressed.

Indian pilots dominate the Pakistani F-86 SABOR jet and F-104s very easily. But to run the MiG-21, it requires a very skilled pilot. MiG-21 is in the air force of many more countries including India. A Chinese version of 'Chengdu J-7' was also in the air force of Bangladesh.

The mechanical disorder is a big problem for MiG-21. Probably the biggest victims of this are Indians. They have to face a lot of trouble in running old aircraft. Many people called the aircraft as 'flying coffins'. Half of the 840 MiG-21 fighter made between 1966 and 1984 have been devastated.

MiG-23 (NATO Name: Flugger)

Soviet scientists created MiG-23 to overcome the limitation of MiG-21 in the sixties. This war veteran with variable lift wing is capable of carrying several bombs. There were several weapons that could take weapons, especially missiles. About 50 feet tall, in a single engine this warman has a look down or shoot-down radar. It is able to identify any targets on the bottom or very few of the aircraft. The maximum speed of the aircraft is Mac 2.3
MiG-23 is probably the worst warrior in the MiG series. It took a lot of fuel. Maintenance was a lot of trouble. In addition, MiG-23 was made in keeping with the Soviet strategy. A large number of MiG-23s come together in one line and they are designed to attack the aircraft. But with the formation of a big party, there was more to take the war of the sky than the attack. Needless to say, the Israeli French Mirage has been hit by the horrific conditions in the '80s.

MiG-25 (NATO Name: Foxbat)

When the picture of a specially made stainless steel 64-feet long MiG-25 was reached, it was a great deal of noise when the first reached the western world. Everybody thought of a huge plane that it was a terrible war, which would be a great dogfight in the sky. Later in 1976, when a Soviet pilot fled to Japan with a MiG-25, it was found that it was an interceptor aircraft. That is, this aircraft was built to deal with a lot of bombs.

In the mid-1970s, the MiG-25 consistently joined the Soviet army. Its speed was Mac 3.2 The speed at that time is the highest. Currently, Lockheed is more than Blackbird's speed. The MiG-25 fighter has recorded many records. One of them is the highest flying record in the highest altitude. In addition to the 4 R-40 missiles, the aircraft has the ability to travel more than a thousand miles with some bombs. Because of the powerful radar and jamming system, these were the name of the horror for bombs in the sky.

The MiG-25 warplanes fought for the Soviet Union as well as Iraq, India, Egypt, Syria and Libyan air force. Iraqi pilot Mohammad Raiyan demonstrated great success with the MiG-25 in the Iran-Iraq war. In the 1980s, the Soviet era of MiG-31 was upgraded to a better version of MiG-25. Several MiG-31s ​​are still used in the Russian air force.

MiG-29 (NATO Name: Falcrum)

As a reply to the US F-15 and F-16, the whole world was introduced in 1982, with the MiG-29, this fighter. Since 1977, the Americans knew about this plane. Due to the latest designs and machinery, especially its head-up display, fly-by-wire system, hands-on throttle and stick technology made Mig-29 match up to any Western aircraft. Its special purpose gave it the opportunity to become a terrific efficient dogfighter in the air battle.

The length of 56 feet and the speed of the Mac2.25 can be around Mi7-MH, which is approximately 1,500 kilometers. However, it is the highest level of surplus, extra fuel. Usually MiG-29 can not go very far in the distance. It's essentially a defense for the point defacing fighter, that is, an important city or place or a specific target in a specific attack.

Weak radar and limited ranges were one of the weakest in MiG-29. Besides, the maintenance of the aircraft was also very costly. Compared with other Soviet aircrafts, the MiG-29 is difficult to operate because the Air Force of Third World countries could not use this terrible weapon properly. India or Russian pilots have successfully used the aircraft. There are also some MiG-29 fighter aircraft in the air force of Bangladesh. Due to frequent accidents, many of its current users have started thinking about retiring Mig-29. Instead, the MiG-35, an advanced version of ### MiG-35, is going to market...

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