Introducing, my name is khalil gibran, I am 19 years old, I come from North Sulawesi, here I live in the Sejahtera complex No.90F, Peace, Sriwijaya. I am the 7th child of nine siblings. My father is a retired TNI, and is now developing his hobby into a business, which is the agate business, so friends who are also agate lovers can contact me. Meanwhile, my mother was the driving force for the vegetable eating movement in the PKK complex. I was an only child, once had a younger sibling, but died of diarrhea at the age of 3 months. My hobbies are interior design and fashion, yes I have the same hobby as you. In addition, I also like to collect used items to make new items that are more useful. In a residential complex, my friends and I often gather at home to process these items, we sell the proceeds and we donate the money to the orphanages in our complex area.
A valuable experience during high school was when I went to Germany to represent the school in exchange for students. Alhamdulillah, at that time there was a student exchange program from the central government, my friends and I really wanted to participate, but because of the selection, not all participants were able to participate, and thank God I was chosen. So happy, because it was my first experience abroad. Many things that I got when in Germany were only about 2 weeks. I visited a lot of historical, cultural and artistic sites. Even though it is a developed country, still, I feel that Indonesia is a better and friendlier country for me. Two weeks there like two years feels, I want to hurry home. Thank God, now I'm back here. Living in another country for a long time in my opinion will make us understand how valuable Indonesia is. Hope I join this alms community is, to add relationships and experience, and spread benefits. I remember my father's message to me, "the best of human beings is not the rich, beautiful, or smart, but the best human beings are useful". Father's message became a life guide for me, so what I will do I must weigh and choose, whether this is good or not, and whether it is useful or not. In my opinion, although this community is fairly new, I am sure one day it will have many hands that have the same vision and mission from various regions. When we want to help others and we are not able, then God will help. Therefore, I would like to join this community so that I can be even more useful to many people. A few of my introductions, thank you,6aegqgupsu.jpg

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