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This story is taken from the story book 5a primary school children, published in 2005. Here's the story ....

Two cats were walking on a narrow street. They are opposite. As they approach each other, no one is willing to let others pass. They just stood face to face, and shouted at each other.

"You have to let me through," said the first cat. "No! I'm the first to get here, "said another cat." No! I'm the first to pass, because I'm bigger. "" No! I must first pass, because I am more beautiful. "" No! I am more wise of you, and you must respect me. "" I am stronger. "" I have many brothers who can hurt you if you do not let it pass.

After a while, the screams turned into a fight. The cats were fighting, scratching and biting each other. Moments later, a wise cat arrived at the scene. He looked at them and started laughing. Two cats fighting, stopping, and staring at him in amazement. "Why are you laughing?" Asked the cat.

"laugh at you and on your behavior. You are wasting your time and hurting each other, just because you will not let others go past. The line is wide enough for every cat to pass on the other side. "

"Why are you fighting? Is not there something better for you to do? "Asked the wise cat. "It's a matter of honor and power," the two cats said almost simultaneously. The wise cat was amused and said, "Do you need to prove that you are stronger? Who would care?

Someone who is really strong and confident, does not feel the need to show this to others. He feels good about himself, and others feel his strength, and respect him, with love, not with fear.

There is life, there is good food, there are beautiful things to enjoy and do, and you stand here, facing each other, shouting, scratching and fighting. Is this a practical and rational act? Open your eyes and grow up!

Is it really important to pass one side of the road first? Is it worth getting all the scratches and bites? You are wasting your time, energy and health. Look around you, and see all the animals around you laugh at your irrational behavior. "

The two cats were embarrassed and did not know what to say. The words of the wise cat make sense, but subconsciously, the behavior is programmed and the habit is too strong. It is not easy for them to fight it. Do the two cats stop fighting and each continue their journey? (Author :K. Tatik Wardayati)

That's the story of two cats fighting in the street, an example.
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