When the cat is lust.


Good afternoon to all steemians.
Hopefully this sunny day, you are all excited about doing activities.
Today I share a post about male cats.


Maybe among all of you, there are those who like to keep cats.
There are things you need to know about the characteristics of cats who want to have sex.


Cats who want to have sex, will experience various kinds of behavior changes.
Male cats experience cycles of heat, when they reach the age of seven to eight months, and can also experience lust between ten to eleven months.

In a single heat period, it will last for four days to ten days, according to the cycle that the male cat has.


If a male cat is old enough to have intercourse, and has experienced a previous cycle of lust, it will repeat itself in the following month at the same time.

To find out the characteristic features of cats wanting to have intercourse is, often the cat makes a loud noise even though nothing happens around it.
As if attracting the attention of the opposite sex.
The tail it has, will curl to the side of its body when you hold the cat's body as a natural response to cats.


Changes in behavior in cats become more spoiled.
In terms of psychology, cats are more sensitive than usual and sensitive to the environment.
Meeting a female cat, lust will move quickly as if she wants to have intercourse immediately.
Male cats often go out of the house and lick many objects around them and become more aggressive.


This is how male cats when they want to have sex.
Hopefully this is deemed necessary.

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