the story of the first gold mine in the bus

Michael de Gusman (inventor gold mine in busang -kal-Teng) .... two masked sign in to a luxury homes in Nassau, Bahamas, one night in the spring of this year. they break through the bedroom, wake host, binding his hand, and put a weapon to his head. no one was robbed. the "Ninja" only threatening David Walsh, former chairman and managing director BRE -x Minerals Ltd. "two people that requires the money back," said jannette, wife David. "or they will kill him." it turns out, two human masked it really membunuhnyasecara indirectly. David died three weeks later, on June. due to attack the brain. story was revealed National newspapers Canada the globe and mail edition November 10, then, only a week after newspaper the Philippine daily Inquirer, across the Pacific Ocean, lower the article about a death others: "suicide or killed? death of the geologists still mysterious". geologists in question is Michael de Guzman. penerobos Forest and hunters gold origin of the Philippines it makes a stir large in early 1997. on the way towards busang, Borneo East, de Guzman fall of the helicopter Alouette 3 host. two deaths not enough de Guzman is one of the inventor of mine owned BRE -x that "the findings of gold deposit largest in the history of the human race". the news of his death, and disclosure of the fact a week later that busang was only pepesan empty, cause wavelength big stock markets Canada and the United States. stock BRE -x registered in Toronto, Montreal, Alberta, and Nasdaq loss in the middle of panic the owners. computer system in trading floor Toronto crash due too many people who intend to sell shares. and only within half an hour, stock BRE -x free fall, loss of 85 percent of its value or approximately US $ 4,5 billion. as in California a century ago, a lot of people Canada hypnotized "gold rush" busang. they hope rich seketikatanpa have to navigate the Pacific, bring hoe and shovel inland Kalimantan full of snakes, wild boar, and mosquitoes malignant. they compete buy stock BRE -x, making its value continue to skyrocket, up 1.100 percent within four months, and not surprisingly, making it one of stock featured in Exchange Toronto. Lawrence beadle, the population of new Westminster, province of British Columbia, is one of them. he buy stock BRE -x US $ 3 jutasebagian of money pinjamanuntuk stock retirement of practice as a criminal attorney. two weeks after the de Guzman plunge 250 meters from the Sky, beadle achieve a gun of drawers and thrust one bullet to his own head. killed instantly. other investors who fell poor exploded in anger. they send a bomb threat to the offices BRE -x, although the end it proved only threat. scandal busang have all the elements of drama can only rivaled by film custom Hollywood or novel John Grisham. mass media international worth call it as "scandal largest of this century". the mysterious death in the middle of the Forest; masked men, gun; engineering fraud very neat and scientific; and so much money at stake. not only that. busang is also the story of greed, betrayal, and patgulipat involving those in high places and reputable international. the end of last year, a team investigator independent private conclude this case as merely fraud by experts exploration in busang with de Guzman as the head. David Walsh, even had a chance to gain a massive of the rise of stock BRE -x, assessed clean of involvement in the conspiracy. de Guzman and friends, according to the report, inject grain gold in the sample drilling results that makes the laboratory independent pengujinya conclude the content of gold busang very fantastic. their motive: prevent busang closed and they lose land the job. they are encouraged to deceive constantly because pressure passion of stock BRE -x that continue to skyrocket. good de Guzman and friends filipinanya, according to the report, also benefited by the sale of stock. investigators also called interviewed miners traditional claiming to sell the grain gold US $ 20.000 to de Guzman. However, it remains astonishing that the two dozen geologists ever was sent by the financial institutions a leading North America to busang not marked "error procedures exploration" it. and although the original not known, isn't busang spotlight the world as the mining industry that eksotisyang had time to attract giant mining like Barrick and Placer Dome? akuratkah the report? of investigation independent it is funded by BRE -x. However, it is done by a team leader Doug hunt (lawyers prestigious of Toronto) and Rod stamler (former Detective police Canada) both are known to have a reputation as well as the integrity of good in the field. Unfortunately, de Guzman own have can't scraped testimony or defense. similarly David Walsh. as for John felderhof, mentor de Guzman, he was hide in Cayman Islands ahead of scandal revealed, could not achieved in the absence of extradition agreement. how investigation in Indonesia? Brigadier general (Pol.) ahwil luthan, the name of investigators that many quoted foreign media at that time, not willing to answer questions tempo. now he served governor college of science police. director serse economic police, Colonel made M. Pastika, stated the case of busang was "not closed" but "one hanged" (suspended). "we are more only help police Canada, and we now waiting certainty from there," he said. scandal busang proved to be land crime perfect: the victims (investors who fell poor) in the jurisdiction, whilst the suspects died or are in place unattainable law. books results investigative journalist kanadadiane Francis (BRE -x: the inside story), Douglas goold and Andrew Willis (the BRE -x fraud), and Brian Hutchinson (fools gold: the making of a global market fraud) did not find certainty of mystery de Guzman. with the police, military, as well as his reign corrupt, write Francis in his book, the mystery of the possibility of de Guzman be killed, and by whom, more difficult diudari. contrast, the authors was explained in detail lika-twists struggle busang that makes the name of Indonesia become more famous baratdalam meaning that bad. a month before de Guzman killed, Indonesian government announced "way out" of the dispute and controversy long and embarrassing concerning busang. in the context of now, the completion of it is not less embarrassing and it shows one just an example of how the family sandalwood and cronies plunder richness of this country. all because of gold. in the past, hunting gold has triggered war and occupation. and "the yellow Sheen" not stop stimulate lust greedy and crime. "gold," wrote Mark Twain years ago, "is terowongon underground with a cheater clustered in it."

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