What should you know about mutation?

Evolution stage of the human, homo sapiens - sapiens


Fictional chromosomal alteration of what could be a cow with a mixture of another specie


Mutations are a process that is caused by DNA, this happens when a cell divides and the copy of its DNA is not perfect, mutations have long marked the difference in evolution, we know that many genetic mutations have made a difference in the survival of the human being, and of any kind, however, many traits of mutations are not so valued, since many mutations are only a disadvantage, as physical as physiological for some living beings, many mutations, are an advantage in what corresponds in this modern era, mutations are not always a natural process, because with so many environmental changes, and radiation the change in DNA causes drastic changes in the physiology and biology of people, this happens because this process is not natural, it is a mutation, which does not come exactly from the nature of DNA and its reproduction, it is affected in an irrational way.



Mutations are not always obvious, since many mutations are also psychological, this affects a large number of people, the change in their behavior, irrevocably different attitudes to the majority, are caused, or inherited in the process of DNA reproduction, the chromosomal change that occurs in a psychological mutation causes that the attitudes of a person can be both very delicate, as very strong, in this case, many psychological mutations go with conditions such as retardation, autism among other conditions, where the mental development of a person is undoubtedly affected, although this does not always come from birth this psychological change could also be instilled spontaneously for any disease that affects the functioning of the brain.


Among the spontaneous mutation, unpredictable cases are seen since these mutations occur without warning, and it is not able to understand their physiological origin, spontaneous mutations as their name says, they appear spontaneously, they are not inherited, they simply develop in an individual which its DNA had a specific change at the time of reproducing, and when this happens this spontaneous mutation is commonly inherited to the following generations.

The mutation induced on the other hand occurs in a circumstance where the DNA is exposed to a mutagenic, or some chemical or physiological agent, which could atrophy the DNA structure, mostly an induced mutation could be identified as a disease, since its process Synthetic alters the physiological structure of bodies, causing many difficulties.

In most cases a mutation is caused, by mutagenic agents residing in the body of the living being, these mutagenic agents act on the reproduction of DNA and its exchange of information, causing great changes in this, there is the Because of many physical mutations, these agents are implacable, since they are all kinds of information and transform it to create a completely different mutation.

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