Poverty Sucks.

This image is taken using iphone6 yesterday**

   Poverty and inequality - the gap between the rich and the poor has been a growing problem in Philippines, and most likely will never stop being one. Poverty limits people from proper health care, insurance, jobs, and especially education. 
   I am fortunate engouh to have 3 meals a day, to have roof to stay and to able to have some things i want. I mean everyone being able to have this things is fortunate. However it saddens me to see how poverty consumes many. They starve, get sick thus bare the suffer. But at the most, it breaks my heart to see that the children will grow up seeing the way of life diferently ( Pain,Hunger,Distrust,Hatred) and live thier lives only to survive. Children no longer go to school not able to gain education in order to work to be able to survive. And it saddens me that the only thing I can do for now is share some foods and little bit of money.
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