Stories About Sunflowers And Butterflies

One day, the forest was the arrival of a new occupant. She is the Caterpillar Lili. But the animals and trees hate him so much because he is so greedy eating the leaves and has no benefit whatsoever, so many trees he does not want to live in, so Lili the Caterpillar has to move from one tree to another looking for a homeDisalin from and Finally, sadly, Lili's caterpillar went to look for another tree she wanted to live in. But, the answer of each tree he met was the same, no one wanted to accept it. Finally he came out of the forest to the edge of the forest. She cries, she sadly laments her natural fate. Apparently, without realizing there is a sunflower tree that had been paying attention.

photo taken by @izayani8787 with samsung galaxy camera S9


photo taken by @izayani8787 with samsung galaxy camera S9


photo taken by @izayani8787 with samsung galaxy camera S9


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