

Sometimes I almost think nighttime is the worst. It’s the time I want to sleep the most but also the time I am wide awake. There is always some sort of thoughts running through my head. Thoughts like what I should wear the next day and what I should eat for lunch, but overall, I don’t usually make a conclusion because I know when I wake up it will have all changed.

My mom usually plays the piano before I go to bed which is very relaxing and makes me feel content. She plays the old classical music from composers like Bach and Mozart and a whole lot more than I don’t know the names of.

I used to play the piano. I have done a lot of things in my life. I have played lots of instruments and tried different sports. The only one that ever stuck was a dance. That’s a whole other topic that I will spend a different day to talk about.

The main thing on my mind tonight: Trying to recover from the cold I have had, and worrying about tomorrow and the next weeks and months ahead of me. To be quite honest, I never actually stop worrying.

Until next time blog and blog readers… if you even exist!


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