Please be careful yes, lately many photos / pictures hoax or writing that seems informative but apparently HOAX information.


Iramawati Oemar Wrote:


Dear nettizen,

Please be careful yes, lately many photos / pictures hoax or writing that seems informative but apparently HOAX information.

for example: along with the viral song # 2019 replacing the President followed the info that the song was the creation of John Paul Ivan, the Boomerang guitarist.
In fact, it is NOT his creator at all.
Plus spice up all muallaf.
Usually, because it's stuck feeling "Wow, amazing!" then we immediately share the share.
whereas the info is MISLEADING.

Likewise with the photos and pictures. Hoax spread, we catch and swallow, follow-up scatter, later when it has been a lot of verbs that opened the original.
So our impression is our hoax spreader.

  • It's called TAC TIC TOE *

  • Tac Tic Toe strategy is most preferred, because the cost is cheap, almost no cost. *

  • Just hoaxnya hoaxnya recruit disguised friends with the "opponent" and even entered the opposing groups, he is quite spread once, will be the opposite camp is the one who will be pelvinifer. *
    after viral, just make a rebuttal, easy anyway ?!

  • Low cost but damaged power is incredibly terrible. *
    Being able to * delegitimize and damage the opponent's reputation. *

  • Movement # 2019 replacing the President is a movement that SAH, LEGAL and CONSTITUTIONAL. *
    the initiator is also a politician who is also a member of the House of Representatives of Indonesia who track recordnya good, there is no track record of corruption and accept bribes, there is no bad reputation related to his personal and family.

if you want to damage the movement # 2019 replacing the President must be made in such a way that this movement is doing a lot of bad things. Most easily accuse the spreader of HOAX.
if it is so, it will be bad image formed: "ooh turns out they like ngibul too ya", that's what the unwanted party wants and want to stop the movement rate # 2019 replacing the President.

If it can not be stopped, it's at least BURNED! so the public so no sympathy, for long not support anymore.

So, if there is a photo / picture / post that looks too good to be true associated with hastag # 2019gantiPresiden, then do not follow the lust share, especially in medsos.

if images / photos, tracked use google image help can.
So, be careful yes, keep check n ricek first.


Iramawati Oemar Wrote:


Dear nettizen,
Harap hati-hati ya, belakangan banyak foto/gambar hoax atau tulisan yang seolah informatif tapi ternyata informasinya HOAX.

Misalnya : bersamaan dengan viralnya lagu #2019gantiPresiden diikuti info bahwa lagu itu ciptaan John Paul Ivan, gitaris Boomerang.
Padahal, sama sekali BUKAN dia penciptanya.
Plus bumbu muallaf segala.
Biasanya, karena sudah terjebak perasaan "Wow, amazing!" maka kita pun langsung ikutan share.
Padahal itu info MENYESATKAN.

Begitupun dengan foto-foto dan gambar. Hoax disebar, kita tangkap dan telan, ikutan sebar, nanti ketika sudah banyak yang memviralkan barulah dibuka aslinya.
Sehingga kesannya kitalah penyebar hoax.

Ini namanya TAC TIC TOE

Strategi Tac Tic Toe ini paling disukai, karena biayanya murah, nyaris tanpa biaya.
Tinggal rekrut pembuat hoaxnya yang menyamar berteman dengan "lawan" bahkan masuk ke grup-grup lawan, dia cukup sebarkan sekali, nanti kubu lawan lah yang terpancing yang akan memviralkan.
Setelah viral, tinggal bikin bantahannya, gampang toh?!

Biaya murah tapi daya RUSAK-nya luar biasa dahsyat.
Karena mampu mendeligitimasi dan merusak reputasi lawan.

Gerakan #2019gantiPresiden itu adalah gerakan yang SAH, LEGAL dan KONSTITUSIONAL.
Penggagas nya juga seorang politisi yang juga anggota DPR RI yang track recordnya baik, tak ada rekam jejak korupsi maupun menerima suap, tidak ada reputasi buruk terkait pribadinya dan keluarganya.

Kalau mau merusak gerakan #2019gantiPresiden ya harus dibuat sedemikian rupa bahwa gerakan ini banyak melakukan hal-hal buruk. Paling gampang ya menuduh penyebar HOAX.
Kalau sudah begitu, maka akan buruklah image yang terbentuk : "ooh ternyata mereka suka ngibul juga ya", kira-kira begitulah yang dikehendaki pihak yang tak suka dan ingin menghentikan laju gerakan #2019gantiPresiden.

Kalau tak bisa distop, ya paling tidak di-BUSUK-kan! Agar masyarakat jadi tidak simpati, lama-lama gak mendukung lagi.

So, kalau ada foto/gambar/postingan yang tampak too good to be true dikaitkan dengan hastag #2019gantiPresiden, maka jangan keburu nafsu ikutan share, apalagi di medsos.

Kalau gambar/foto, dilacak pakai bantuan google image kan bisa.
So, be careful ya, tetap cek n ricek dulu.

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