Tips: Keeping Friendship

Humans as zon politicon creatures cannot possibly live or survive without the help or accompaniment of other human beings. Human in carrying out his life must interact with other human beings. In the sense that humans need another human being. No human can live without the other human being who accompanies them. Therefore, we as human beings, be it as individual beings and social beings need a friend in this life. The friend means so much to us, sometimes our friends love us more than our families.

In this life, we must have a true friend or friend who sincerely establishes friendly relations with us. Our life will be very meaningful with the presence of others around us, such as family, relatives or relatives, neighbors, and true friends. And that will make our lives more colorful. Among these, our true friends become one of the most important people in our lives.

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Therefore, honor your true friendship that you have built, do not hurt the feelings of friends, love them as you love yourself.

Different types of people, although already know consequences it from the beginning. because every meeting there must be separation. But, there is one thing we must do, that is do not forget those who are not with us.

Surely in this life, we miss our long-standing friend with us. If you are currently longing for your friends, then pray for them to be with you again. Make friends as our shelter. Do not break communication with friends, let alone decide friendship and silaturrahmi with friends.

Much Love

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The Best Regards, @ijoel

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