Next: Because of Grudge To Wolves That Prey on Chickens



The cleric replied, we may kill dangerous animals, such as snakes and scorpions. How to kill it must be in a good way, do not burn. Basically, all of this nature was created for human needs. Goats, chickens and fish, all created for the purposes of human life. So, humans must thank them and use them well.

Your Majesty teaches, if you slaughter a goat, or other animal that is allowed by religion to be eaten, you must use a very sharp knife, so that the goat does not feel pain. Nor do we slaughter a goat in front of another goat.

So, even in slaughtering we have to do it well and be compassionate. After, the call to prayer echoed. Children prepare to do Isha prayer. After the evening prayer, they returned to their homes. It was late at night, the grandfather had fallen asleep because he was tired of working in the rice fields.

Meanwhile, the grandchild kept guard in the kitchen. He opened the kitchen window, then sat on the divan while putting an arrow on his bow. His gaze was straight towards the door of the chicken coop. He is waiting for the wolf. However, what is awaited does not appear. Eventually, he fell asleep in the kitchen. Right at the dawn call to prayer, he was awakened by his grandfather. He woke up while rubbing his eyes

He said you want to stand guard, but why are you sleeping? "Asked grandfather. I fell asleep, Kek, very sleepy." Yes, it's okay. Come on, quickly go to the mosque. "Good, Sis! Answered his grandson.

As usual, after the morning prayer, he went to the stable. He was surprised that the cage had been damaged again. Blood splattered here and there. He counted the chicken, it turned out that 3 chickens were lost again. He was very sad and sorry, why did he fall asleep last night? Then, he reported the matter to his grandfather again. It's okay, my granddaughter, you've done everything you can. This wolf can't be forgiven anymore. I'll make a trap to catch him! "True, it turns out that the grandfather made a trap.

While his grandson fell asleep, the grandfather stayed on guard and did not close his eyes even for an instant. His heart was filled with revenge on wolves that preyed on the chickens. Midnight, the wolf arrived. As soon as he entered the trap he immediately shouted, "Hih, now you're caught. Rotten Thief!"

In the morning he told his grandson that the wolf had been caught. The grandson is happy to hear that. He wanted to give the wolf the right punishment. He thinks, what punishment is right for the wolf? Then, he asked his grandfather, "Then, the grandson asked his grandfather, "grandfather, if according to grandfather, what punishment is appropriate and suitable for the wolf? The granddaughter continued, if in my opinion" enough punishment to deter him, but not hurt him and torture him?

The grandfather emotionally replied, "A wolf ... still a wolf, my grandson. If you hit him, he will not retreat. He will not stop eating our chicken. Calm down, regarding what punishment for that wolf, you will see "Grandpa has planned a proper sentence and is worth the bill," said the grandfather.

By noon, grandpa tied all the wolves' feet. "What do you want, grandfather?" asked his grandson.

You shut up and calm down; Just see !! Let know the taste of this impudent wolf answered the grandfather with emotion.

He wants revenge for the lack of teachings of these wolves, who have eaten 6 chickens.

Then the grandfather took a piece of cloth. The cloth was twisted tightly. Then, tie it to the wolf's tail. The grandson saw it in amazement. After the cloth is tied tightly to a wolf, the grandfather takes the gas and splashes it on the cloth. Then, he was ready to burn the cloth. The grandson shouted, "Don't !!!".

But it's too late. The fire was burning on the wolf's tail. Spontaneous wolf howled hot.

While removing all the ties of the wolf's leg with great anger and hatred the grandfather said: "Feel this !! This punishment is right for you O wolf thief. The wolf ran away with a tail burning. He kept running and didn't know how to put out the fire that had burned his tail. The wolf ran le paddy in search of mud or water. Apparently, the fields have dried up. The rice has turned yellow. There is no water there. The wolf with its tail on fire ran here and there in the rice fields.

Shortly thereafter, it was seen smoke rising from the rice fields. "There was a fire in the rice fields," shouted a villager. People ran towards the source of smoke. There, a patch of rice that is ready to be harvested, has caught fire. Fire spreads fast. Grandfather and grandson ran towards the smoke. How shocked they were when they saw their rice fields ready to harvest in a week's time, they were now on fire. The grandfather regretted the grudge that was burning in his heart, had burned everything.

The End

Hopefully this story becomes a valuable lesson for all of us, so as not to grudge anyone, whether revenge on fellow humans or revenge with other creatures such as wild animals. Because actually that revenge will bring misfortune to ourselves.

Thanks For Your Time

Best Regards, @ijoel

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