Beautiful Nature Charm in Sidodadi Village, Bandar, Aceh Tengah, Aceh (part 1)

Nature, culture, religion, all available in kampong known as Sidodadi village located in Bandar and Bener Meriah districts. Sidodadi village has a total of 677 residents who mostly search for coffee farmers. When we talk about the village, nature is an aspect that needs to be explored, as well as nature in the village Sidodadi has topography of the highlands even when we look around the village in suguhi with a view of a vast coffee garden.


In addition when the weather supports the volcano will also be visible on the sidelines of the hills Bener Meriah, and from along the way we can see a vast expanse of coffee plantations with extraordinary beauty when this coffee fruit will look neat with red color spoil our eyes.


In addition to the coffee garden we can also see rows of apokad trees, lemon trees and tea trees located on the sidelines of coffee plantations. From this coffee plantation we can also see the scenery of the hills surrounding the village sidodadi where the hills that give its own satisfaction when we see it with the decorated white clouds that cover the hills make it more beautiful when we look at it.


In addition to some beautiful things in the village Sidodadi there are also habits of people who every morning to go to their respective coffee plantations to cite the results of the plantation for this, as well as re-planting with different plants such as lizards or what we call a small chilli, a kind of gourd and other plants. As well as the habit that is still preserved such as rewang which is a mutual aid event that is more inclined to the celebration as an example when a family will perform the celebration, then they will invite some families to help prepare the implementation of the celebration event. Assistance done such as receiving guests, cooking up to prepare various purposes of invited guests.

That is a little review of the village Sidodadi is always proud. Sidodadi village, a village full of natural beauty, rich in culture, and full of hospitality.


The inner connection of the indigenous villagers of Sidodadi to the hamlets will surely be there, even though they have returned to their respective villages - the desire to return will be there, as well as the writers feel. Although living with the completeness of urban facilities, the splendor of city buildings, the sophistication of electronic equipment but this feeling is not possible to release will longing for the village Sidodadi.

That's all I can tell you, look forward to another interesting post from me @ihsan19.
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