Like This Life in the Coldest Place on Earth, Ever To -71 Degree Celsius


Do you know where the coldest living place on Earth is?
The answer is Oymyakon, a rural area in Oymyakonsky District in the Sakha Republic, Russia.
The average temperature of Oymyakon is about -50 degrees Celsius during the winter months.
The record of the coldest temperatures in this small village occurred in 1924. At that time the temperature reached -71 degrees Celsius.


Want to know how life in Oymyakon?
Here's the adventure of photographer Amos Chapple quoted from
Amos began his journey in Yakutsk, the capital of the Sakha region in northeastern Russia. Yakutsk is the g


From Yakutsk to Oymyakon, it takes two days to get there. Because the streets are barren and isolated.
Moreover, because the car drove in very low temperatures, cars often run out of gasoline. This is the reason gas stations remain open 24 hours a day and always there along the way.
"Workers at SPBU work for 2 weeks and holiday for 2 weeks," said Amos.


Before entering the village, Amos passed a communist monument near the entrance marking the record -71 degrees Celsius temperature recorded in the village in 1924.
The sign reads "Oymyakon, Cold Pole".

Up in the middle of the village, Amos was surprised by the direct and extreme effects of cold temperatures.
"I feel someone is gripping my leg. Even sometimes my saliva will freeze into a needle piercing my lips. "
Similarly when using the camera.
"I have to hold my breath while shooting. It's very difficult to focus on the camera, when the cold starts to master. "

The land in Oymyakon is completely frozen. As a result there are three things.
First citizens could not possibly drain water pipes to village houses. So citizens must be willing to bathe outdoors.
Both buried the dead hard in Oymyakon. Before burial, a big fire must be done to warm the ground.
Thirdly because the soil is too cold to grow vegetables, people in Oymyakon rely on ranch or town work, like in a city heater for income.

Amos also said that it was very difficult to meet the villagers.
"When they get out of the house, they wear gloves or hold each other."
Finally, the food they eat is mostly frozen raw fish, like salmon or milkfish. Even the horse's heart. Or the meat soup.

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