Story of mbah mongin d surat

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Mbah Mongin Dul Surat, is our Jamaat, nowadays, who is not used to sleeping in bed, he is the guardian of mushallah in Blitar, while sleeping while guarding the mushalla, he dreams of inviting the Messenger of Allah to the Garden of Paradise.

After awakening from his sleep, the marbot, just smiling and keeps the beauty of his dream in his heart, staring up at the sky, "Is bener yooo, the Messenger of Allah invites me to the Garden of heaven? .

After 6 days, there was a muhsinin from Jakarta who came home to Blitar, and invited him, "Mbah let's me melu, nyang Makkah karo Madinah, Jenda do not invite to raudhoh & haram mosque" (Mbah come follow me, to Makkah as Medina. Simbah I invite to Raudhoh & Masjidil Haram)

Answer the marbot, "I ngak no money". Then the muhsinin replied, "Do not think mbah money, because everything is paid with God", even though the muhsinin is not even money, even to go with 4, with wife, son and marbot, he is driven by God to sell his car every day is used as a foot for his operations so the nomads who open the magic ketok in Jakarta.

In short, when Mbah Mongin passed us to Raudhoh, I explained that this raudhah is the Garden of Heaven (Hadith of the Prophet "Among my house & my tomb is the garden between the gardens of heaven") he cried, and prayed beside me. He will not stop.

When he finished he embraced me and said, thank Ust Munif who had brought me to my dream, and met the Messenger of Allah. Subhan Allah. Masha Allah. Tabarakallah.

I shed tears as I watched the cheerfulness, sincerity and innocence of Mongol Mbah in Raudhah.

Until now the marbot always sleep in front of the hotel room with ihramnya cloth because accustomed to sleep while keeping mushalla in Blitar, just with a sarong, with a beautiful dream with the Prophet.

Allahumma habbibna hubbak, wa hubba nabiyyik, wa hubba Al-qur'an
Wahubba man yuhibbuk, wa Rasuluk wa Al-Qur'an
Wa qarribna ila man yubibbuk wa yuhibbu Apostle, wa yuhibbu Al-Qur'an

Munif Farid Attamimi
Makkah Almukarramah
26 feb 2018


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